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No. 589341 [Reply]

Aaahhh~ N-not there please! You're too big it hurts…nooo don't you know I'm a virgin? I feel all warm and weird from your thing…I don't think I can last much longer ahh~
You better take responsibility after this anon.
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saw a rly cute boy the other day and wanted to to do this with him :(


You actually read it? You're meant to just post the memes and repeat shit you've read off of a wiki to act like you have read it.


They should be thrown in the kuso pit with sudos to fed on.


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Know the difference between dating a woman vs a shota.

They're slutty and will cheat
They end up being loose
Won't game with you
Think your hobbies are creepy
Won't suck your dick
Demands your money
Is entitled

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No. 589204 [Reply]

Passover is coming up on the night of April 5th. (Hebrew biblical days start and end at nightfall)

It starts the night of April 5th, in which a feast of a sacrificial lamb, bitter herbs, and unleavened bread is eaten. Leaven and leavened products are not allowed and supposed to be cleared from your house.

Starting from the night of April 6th, until the night of April 12th, you only eat unleavened bread. This is a symbolic show to God, it is the "bread of affliction", it is the food of the poor, and those in a hurry who have no time to rest, just as the Hebrews led out of slavery in Egypt by God's hand.

On the day of April 13th, a congregation/church service is held.

These are the rules laid out in Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. friends over time through oral traditions added to these, such as "drink 4 cups of wine" on the first feast.

Christians believe Jesus is the sacrificial lamb who takes away sin, as a replacement for the ritual sacrifices done in temple times. Modern day friends don't sacrifice animals through various logic, one being they don't have a temple anymore.

Anyway I plan to only eat unleavened bread for 7 days.
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remember there was a warosu post that explained all of it but im not sure i would bother posting on spinoffs if i hadnt been for the past decade anyways


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“So they trust in the deity of the Old Testament, an incontinent dotard who soiled Himself and the universe with his corruption, a low-budget divinity passing itself off as the genuine article. (Ask the Gnostics.) They trust in Jesus Christ, a historical cipher stitched together like Frankenstein's monster out of parts robbed from the graves of messiahs dead and buried - a savior on a stick. They trust in the virgin-pimping Allah and his Drum Major Mohammed, a prophet-come-lately who pioneered a new genus of humbuggery for an emerging market of believers that was not being adequately served by existing religious products. They trust in anything that authenticates their importance as persons, tribes, societies, and particularly as a species that will endure in this world and perhaps in an afterworld that may be uncertain in its reality and unclear in its layout, but which states their craving for values "not of this earth" - that depressing, meaningless place their consciousness must sidestep every day.”



Amazing. The bus driver decided to not stop even though he clearly saw me waiting for the bus. Mothefucker.


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got a hankering for some migoreng but dont have any


the bus drivers never stop for me because of my face bones

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No. 589270 [Reply]

I witnessed two different goofball norms try and seduce a foid in the span of 10 minutes.
I guess when every day the average foid is showered with compliments and gifts and offers of romance and sexual pleasures it's no wonder they get messed up in the head.
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Never been rejected by a woman I may be something of a Chad to you guys


they are automatons they don't feel anything.


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I get called “slick dick nick" a lot by black dudes at work hope it means Im cool black people are weird


my friend loved this anime and all the yuri pairings in it


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No. 589315 [Reply]

Well edited Evangelion AMV

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what makes you think you can just come here and post asuka's uncensored 14 year old tits


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No. 589013 [Reply]

everyone here talks like a bot


otas basilisk


I think you are talking about himasugi. blog/jp/


>>589013 I unmuted this and my cat went PREDICTABLE

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No. 589266 [Reply]


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No. 589262 [Reply]

Henri would have loved this


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No. 589115 [Reply]

barely any activity besides dani spam, no https, whatmin blogging about some game/linux/bible thing absolutely no one cares about…
the only thing missing is the gentoo theme and whomos talking about their cummers and this place would feel exactly like old /what/
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have fun being d++'ed


Are things so bad in Italy that the Otamin can't afford a $5 cert?


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mirai zura


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dore dore


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ota is a desolate wasteland

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No. 589129 [Reply]

>Is there something on my back
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i can see it


yamato nabisco hater


azusa is a fake post-mid-season k-on and she will never count as one


if what were to come back now it would probably be 70% straight up porn and 30% erp blog


new cat will NOT leave me alone


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No. 568688 [Reply]

Friday! Gonna crack open a couple beers with mom!
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You're all having sex with your moms while I have my dick in my hand…


Mom ending is my favourite ending in SD.


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getting ready for a saturday night out on the town


your skirt is a bit short


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it's a placeholder she won't be needing it for long

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No. 589106 [Reply]

thinking about yamato nabiscos


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Thinkin about the OG Shin Megami Tensei

I'm gonna finish it for sure this time


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Never got around to Shin Megami Tensei,
I read the original short stories and then played Megami Tensei I and then started Megami Tensei II, but I didn't finish II. Megami Tensei I was cool though. That was 3 years ago, so I'm probably not gonna ever get back to it.

killer soundtrack though
MT I songs

MT II songs


never played emerald before but i just rnged a pid that ends in 0000 so i can visit mirage island because my battery is dead

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No. 589006 [Reply]

this website is also CIA honeypot
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you check out and wake up in the cyber parlor and think this blows so you check out and wake up in the cyber prison and think this blows so check out and wake up in the cyber prison and think this blows


wow this actually is dani where have you been for the past few years?


is dani that chinless guy who used to spam his selfie here


ban this faggot ass kid


ask the roaches on ghosty

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