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No. 553277 [Reply]

I was walking down the grocery store aisle, and stopped by the spice area for some turmeric, and noticed nutmeg. I rarely, if ever use nutmeg, but I felt this odd twinge of remorse. Not only did its price rival the turmeric I was in the store for, but it was probably less, and even still both the turmeric and the nutmeg was worth a pittance. This stuff used to control the world. Europeans struggled to sail thousands of miles on the rattiest ships to make landfall on the most remote parts of the world to find nutmeg. They were willing to die, conquer, and enslave for it (could you imagine risking death because you wanted to get slightly better tasting food?). The world's first and most powerful corporation in the world was born from it. The English, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, French, etc. all competed heavily for it. It motivated the greatest race for empire, and colonialism in human history. It pushed human technology to its breaking point at a time when science and technology were hardly even proper concepts. And now it sits in little vials for less than $5 on a grocery store spice rack. It's like if you passed by Bill Gates on the street, only you found out he was penniless and a heroin addict. It was as if I could feel it scream, "Hear me, I used to be important once, I used to rule the world! I deserve so much more than this pitiful spice rack. I am a King, a God!" But there it sits, forgotten.
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Hello madame can i have that box of pocky i reached for it first, and also one extra large box of condoms(small), also are you free after this would you like to see a movie or go to the park?


Uh that's henri's flipmate


You people made Henri leave.


not anymore…. >:)


had a mountain dew for the first time in like 20 years

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No. 556087 [Reply]

think i got audiofooled
bought 2 $150 headphones and not only is there no difference between them, there's no difference between them and my $25 Chinese bluetooth earbuds. I bought a usb dac too.
any otaudiophiles on here want to try to convince me it isn't all a scam?
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the retard


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huh i even use the same cute kanon picture wonder what the odds are of that


yeah what are the odds that you havent been capable of having an original thought in the past year and a half i'd say pretty high


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why are you being so mean I'm gonna cry.


my wired skullcandy earbuds cost like 10 dollars and sound great

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No. 582899 [Reply]

i came to the us during my high school years and my english was shit and none of the guys in florida were into me i still feel sad about it i am still pissed about leaving brasil and not being able to find any high school love
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>13 posts omitted. Click to expand.
yep that's one for the cringe folder

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No. 581648 [Reply]

Le booty witch
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what happened to Saten heroines? I'm sick of normbait bitch ones like kanahana


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Finally finished P5R. Really long game including the Royal content.

Yes I fucked every girl and they all got mad on Valentines day. Futaba missing from screenshot because I chose her.


I was thinking of buying that for the 3rd time. I got 60 hours into the base game but apparently that's only the halfway point.


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Started the new Star Ocean game. Playing it at 30fps but max settings.

There's an ingame option for 30 or 60, and I can't play this smoothly with a 60 frame cap anyway, even on low settings and 1080p. Perhaps my Ryzen 3600 isn't good enough, or Wine/DXVK is adding a performance hit.

At 30fps I can play max settings 1440p with completely smooth frametimes though and the game does look really good.



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No. 536623 [Reply]

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fumos are cute you should have given them to a nice otachi


nice otachi here and I hate fumos!


your existence is a contradiction


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should i buy some knockoff fumos from aliexpress?

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No. 582866 [Reply]

Trannies be like…

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No. 582836 [Reply]

keep teen spirit


keep creamy pussy spirit

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No. 582861 [Reply]

ever use your brain but the instant you turn it on you feel a sudden rush of regret and you hastily switch it off again


love the rush of brainjuice from touching my dopamine stick


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No. 577478 [Reply]

Imagine waking up in Japan. You head to your office where you make games or anime for a living. You don't need a car so you walk, the streets are clean and the sky is clear. The shops blare shibuya kei, cherry blossoms float in the breeze, salarymen pass you on the right and a shrine maiden prays in the park to your left. You get bento from a vending machine on your way to the Metro. Your office is in view of Tokyo and the whole city lights up at night, you chat with your coworkers about your niche video games and hobbies at lunch. You stop at a izakaya on your way home and get a fresh meal for a dime, you doze off to the aroma and lose yourself in thoughts illuminated only by a lantern.
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I'll give you something to flippin cry about


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Imagine waking up in America. You head to your warehouse job where you place items in boxes for a living. You need a car because its impossible to walk anywhere, it took a large amount of debt to buy. The streets are cracked and covered in litter and the sky is thick haze of smog. The shops blare muzak or zoomer pop, mcdonalds wrappers float in the breeze, pig cars pass you on the right while a gang shooting occurs in the street to your left. You get overpriced donuts and a coffee milkshake from a starbucks on your way to the warehouse. Your station has no natural light and you can never tell what time of day it is, you chat with your coworkers about the latest prolefeed on netflix at lunch. You stop at a mcdonalds on your way home and get an overly processed meal for two and a half hours wages, you get home and chug cheap beer and corn spirit then pass out, illuminated only by your excessively sized television.


listening to a japanese artist who recorded himself listening to american folk music with windows open to the street so he could capture all the ambient city noise along with the music


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Imagine waking up in Canada. You head to your warehouse job where you place items in boxes for a living. You need a car because its impossible to walk anywhere, it took a large amount of debt to buy. The streets are cracked and covered in litter and the sky is thick haze of smog. The shops blare muzak or hoser pop, mcdonalds wrappers float in the breeze, pig cars pass you on the right while a gang shooting occurs in the street to your left. You get overpriced donuts and a double double from a timmie's on your way to the warehouse. Your station has no natural light and you can never tell what time of day it is, you chat with your coworkers about the latest prolefeed on netflix at lunch. You stop at a mcdonalds on your way home and get an overly processed meal for two and a half hours wages, you get home and chug cheap beer and maple spirit then pass out, illuminated only by your excessively sized television.


We have a LOT of ornamental cherry trees here. My childhood house had one in the front yard. This city is also a hotspot for Japanese tourists. I think because we're one of the closest cities to Japan across the Pacific ocean? Hearing Japanese spoken in public isn't uncommon, and I saw at least a few packs of nipp schoolgirls this summer on my grocery store route and park walks. Sometimes, for a brief moment, it feels like I'm really Japanese.

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No. 581688 [Reply]

is this true
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You can't just bully the bacon pepperjack dogs are in the oven poster like that


the norms must be compelled to stimulate my prostate


mom made grilled cheesers


bacon pepperjack dogs are in the oven!


who cooks hotdogs in the oven

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No. 579969 [Reply]

what if the selegiline doesn't fix me
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So you want some magic pill to turn you into a norm


>parkinson's disease


Yeah. Do you have one?
I'll also take a pill that turns me into one of those so-called productive hikkiNEETs though.


forgot to take it today


Adderall will do both

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No. 582735 [Reply]

the pleasure of being cummed inside
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out of my thread norm


who you calling a norm? dumb norman


go back to hima


go back inside your mom's womb

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