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No. 538234 [Reply]

Post tru-otaku rooms ITT.
14 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


How do you PC game on the floor? How do you use a mouse or sit up to watch tv without getting neck/back pain?


How do I get my room this clean?


Get rid of things that don't spark joy


my lucky bamboo has yet to bring me any luck..


No wakizashi?

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No. 545935 [Reply]

So the Taliban is now the official government of Afghanistan.

Many countries are ready to recognize them as legitimate, including America itself, as denying it would just be denying the reality of the situation.

They've reached Kabul and are awaiting a peaceful transfer of power, which will happen because the ANA (Afghan National Army) was just a puppet regime of the US, they are nothing without the US pulling the strings and have already surrendered. The US embassy has been evacuated by air.

They banned the COVID vaccine and women from colleges though which is pretty based.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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I have to hand it to the Afghans, the beat the Soviet Union and now they beat the US.

It took them 4 decades, but they did. A story of rebels beating evil empires despite their military disadvantage.

They will be a thorn in the flesh of the international globohomo agenda. A reminder that other ways of life exist than modern western social ills and decadence.


Afghanistan has practically no oil. They're for all intents and purposes, not even an oil-producing nation, they don't even make this list.


So… It's not about oil? (change goalposts to "it's about poppies" next)

No, it was simply to stop the Taliban from taking over, which would lead to more Islamic control in the middle east, which the US sees as a threat to America and Israel. That's all.


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It's the precious metals
(and poppies)


I thought Zunbar was supposed to be a war hero who bravely slaughtered would be child soldiers when he was in the army.


What is the supposed to be happening in this picture?

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No. 545214 [Reply]

I'm out of copes
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Isn't that the point


nah not really
you drink spirits when you want to get drunk, and unless you want to forget what being sober feels like it shouldn't take much


Nothing left to do but seethe.


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Does anyone have the "How to hang yourself" pdf?


There was a meanpost here but now it's gone does that mean the meanposter is the indian spammer

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No. 536129 [Reply]

listening to masayoshi yamazaki songa gain like i even had a chance.


i like him tooo


Hes a good singer

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No. 539531 [Reply]

>30 year old man
>still getting called shy


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are you shy though?


Yeah sorry that means you're a submissive homo.


Oh just realized my post came off like I was doing a cheeky joke I do mean it in a serious manner every older submissive guy I've met was gay or bi learning heavily into being gay. May not be the case but the odds don't look good.


Shy pooper unlike Tmin teens trying to poo on ota.

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No. 545061 [Reply]

They've been proving this up with internal conditioning warnings to the public for at least 25 years.
>70% -80% of the earth's population is infertile
>CDC: Woops! Sorry! I guess we shouldn't have trusted the science
>suicide packs readily avalible
>please make sure to register your suicide kit on FEDbook to allow all your norm friend's notification for their grieving
>Please know we're sad to see you leave
>it will take up to 30 days after your death for your data to be re-download into the new AI memory archive
>would you like to donate your life savings to the new AI system in order to help recreate your personality traits in the next generation of human consciousness before you go?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


So you Gabe up on love & family?


a gabber must gabb


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go back


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How based are these digits?

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No. 545572 [Reply]

The body was too short or empty.


thinking of copping a hawaiian


You didn't make a post.

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No. 545537 [Reply]

Serious unironic thread about anime girls. Post all life threatening anime girl situations here.
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I noticed the white stripe on it's back but maybe that's just the video.

If that stripe is red and you're in Australia it's 99% a redback AKA Australian black widow



>Cupboard Spider
>Red House Spider
>Triangulate Cobweb Spider

Are my results from an insect identifying app. I wish my camera was better.
Not Australia, but random things get shipped here from the port and black widows have been found in banana boxes and stuff. I am walking distance from the sea port.


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ordgarius SEXspinoSUS

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No. 545569 [Reply]

I am the only one that's awake in this sleeping world


wish henri was awake and posting right now


the waking dream

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No. 545398 [Reply]

My anaconda don't


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…want none…?

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No. 540437 [Reply]

McD's or Burger King? It's important.
41 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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uhhhhhhh buuuuuuurg


this is in taiwan probably because they use dollars and no kana


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If you're going to eat the McDonald's within the first ten minutes of purchase - McDonald's. Anything after that and you're safer with Burger King.


lmbo my nigga in the back wit da fries lmboooo brooo

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No. 545321 [Reply]



old game

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