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No. 626905 [Reply]

this is fucked up trump is going to win and fuck up everything again. women don't support other women in the work place they hate each other so it won't bring her more votes. and minorities hate each other too democrats are fucking retards.
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weird all i see on twitter is fanart and idols and seiyuu posts


I constantly delete my x account and make a new one because it always recommends me a bunch of bullshit


you let this happen America. Your years of silence has come to roost.

This is what happens when a ball-less indifferent self-absorbed populus stays silent and lets the malignancies of society be the only voice heard by an entire generation of perpetual emotional adolescents educated to be idiots.

There's a generation out there educated to be idiots and this country is going to suffer for allowing that to happen for the next 50 to 60 years.

if you are still friends with a Democrat then you are friends with someone voting to destroy your country.

Democrats are truly an insurgency upon the laws, borders, history, customs, flag,norms, and Constitution of these United States. If ever there was a reason to invoke the insurrection act, it's today's insurgent and lawless Democrats.

They ,Import illegals, comfort our enemies, free criminals, weaken the police, disarm the law abiding, dominate the media with propaganda, indoctrinate in our schools, ignore the Constitution, erase our history, undo an election with fraudulent impeachment and run candidates that hate America.

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B Hussein Obama's legacy, the emboldened thugs and the war on cops Democrats have morphed into the trade union for America's malignancies. Thugs, criminals, MS13, dishonest attorneys, fake news personalities, Epstien's frequent flyers, radicals, illegals, and anything else that runs counter to our constitution, norms, laws, or sovereignty is a welcome vote to Democrats.

The Democrat party has become a union of single interest malignancies. Each one joins because of whatever that single malignant trait is, and as payment for membership turns a blind eye to other's malignancies. Thus, criminals tolerate illegals, drug users tolerate pedophiles, thugs tolerate communists, and so on. It is truly the trade union of America's malignancies.


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No. 584052 [Reply]

Do you ever yearn?


All the time

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No. 627244 [Reply]

Told my godfather about ota and he immediately grabbed a gun off the kitchen counter and shot himself in the head.


I honestly don't blame him

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No. 626993 [Reply]

You can't put no name to this shit
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something in the way you've written the post makes it sound like a lie despite situation being completely realistic… anyways
> I'm scared
that attitude won't take you anywhere, but if you'd pretend to be embarrassed and say something along the lines of "umm btw i've always liked pigtails and it seems like they'd look especially good on you", you'll score TWO points and maybe she'll even do as you please!


No I'm not a pervert


open up that pussy baby


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My female healer teammate in Overwatch said "Genji are you okay? What's going on over there?"

Because I was low HP and separated from the team in their backline

It actually made me feel really good, her voice was cute


we play ow together and then we flip

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No. 627174 [Reply]

as a weeb I fucking hate 90% of other weebs but I can't place my finger on why exactly.


theyre weeb flavoured norms


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I use that as my ps4 background wallpaper. The only one I thought was worth buying.


I hate other weebs because they're unworthy and mostly teens


I hate you too grandpa

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No. 590044 [Reply]

meow meow time
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wan wan no jikan


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why is it untitled

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No. 627129 [Reply]

Women are behind all the problems in the world. They act immature and stupid but are protected by the fact they are girls. They arent held to the same standards as men. And then they try to push it in our face that we are "falling behind" when we are the ones who do all the real work.
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ayy babe look at dat dweeb ova dere choppin his parsley bet he came here thinking he was gonna get sum a DIS


So does your dad molest and rape you?


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Why sometimes hardcore porn does nothing for me then I get hard to teenage girls with acne and freckles baking a cake?

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No. 627218 [Reply]

you a bad bitch baby i gotta spank you


scared of bad girls


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You were never spanked by your parents so now you have a spanking fetish

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No. 627177 [Reply]

Changing light bulb… with twintails


had natto gohan for dinner


didnt ask


had natto once
was flippin gross


enjoying a meal of rotten soybeans with mustard and soy sauce rice mapo soup and salad with twintails


Whenever im in an airport i want to be high

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No. 579344 [Reply]

Smoki! Smoki! Literature Club!
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dani could still be aliev..




I haven't seen dani post anywhere in the spinoffs. Pretty sure he went back to v.

Maybe he really is dead ..


whatmin is our friend


smoking that dank

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No. 535709 [Reply]

I love yuri. How about u?
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why is it untitled


happy yuri vampires

happy yuri lunch


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why is it untitled


wonder why sexy ladies rub their cuncuns and get them all gooey

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No. 577836 [Reply]

Keep complaining and you won't even get moldy buttholes tonight.




maki hittin that D


Maki sucking that cock


BLaZE it uP Maki
Blazing on that dank herb

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