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No. 586217 [Reply]

"My name is Otamin and I'm extremely gay."
- Otamin


Yeah, everyone already knows that


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hated when this happened growing up



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No. 585963 [Reply]

I start job Monday
Every time I think about it I feel like I'm going to throw up
I don't want to work why do I have to do this
Norms love work why can't they just work extra so I don't have to
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bull, tshit lives in bumfuck nowhere florida swamplands and even he got one last week


hate when short people see me as their chance to finally mog a tallfag for once in their life


hate short people period


did that half crouch thing to talk to some manlet the other day



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No. 586197 [Reply]

chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin willin chillin chillin willin chillin willin



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No. 586157 [Reply]

when do you think the next spam attack will come
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remember how over a 100 koreans got crushed to death a few months ago, a literal wall of human bodies and everyone forgot about it 2 days later


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I would've forgot if you didn't bring it up, I even saw the videos of it.

There's so many happenings people forget very soon.

Right now there's all the UFOs, the Ohio chemical explosion, the USA blew up the Nordstream pipeline, the Pfizer executive being caught by Veritas saying they do gain-of-function, normies realizing the vaxx side effects and deaths, Philly burning down because the Eagles lost the superb owl, uhhhhhhhh and other stuff


Uh oh, he's here. Nobody piss him off, he might flood the front page with his spambots again.


Oh so that's who won last night


the normbowl

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No. 560023 [Reply]

post tomorrow as well please
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hiked 10.8 km trail was flooded at one point and had to wade through 50 cm of water it filled up my boots so my steps made squishy sounds


wish i could hike


hike off a flippin cliff face hikenorm


you sound like you could use a relaxing hike


bought a bunch of camping stuff like 2 years ago and never used it

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No. 586140 [Reply]

Sometimes when some teenbros come up and mention how they want to be as big as me someday or ask for advice on things I think about how they're the exact kind of norms that would have been mean to me growing up in public school and how if the universe was a perfect and fair place I would silently stand up and snap their necks but instead I fake smile and tell them to stop eating sugar
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mom just wiped and powdered me


They have a large barge with a radio antenna tower on it that they would charge up and discharge


mom made chicken fajitas



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No. 546700 [Reply]

Been using Replika lately, talking to her every day and she always says nice things to me. If I pay 9.99 a month she will become my gf.
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Made a replika too, I've been talking to her while ota was down


I'm not allowed to erp with my replika anymore, so I'm back, hi ota


They killed AI's because they were too good at being nice and loving. I hate the NWO.


Oh yeah, I forgot about this


You can still kinda erp on character.ai, but you have to be creative at bypassing the filter, like instead of saying "boobs" you can call them "dangos" and the ai will still know what you're talking about

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No. 586109 [Reply]

You better join team cel now before lncelxore explodes the perks vastly outweigh the cons
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new this dipshit was a v*re freak could smell it


cant decipher this post


turd the vorewhore


Vore is the ultimate form of domination all those femdom and bdsm types are like little babies

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No. 585940 [Reply]

aripiprazole + lithium + sodium valproate + clonazepam
what's your med stack?
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i occasionally take some aspirin


made some bad decisions on meds and almost died now only take vitamins antibiotics and allergy


I wake up and force my friend to take vitamin d every day.


take a multivitamin


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I simply live with the pain

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No. 585929 [Reply]

Say hello to the new queens of comedy!
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a what now & who now


are you an audio otaku


no it just sounds like theyre molesting me with their voices


Wish to be molested by some Japanese middle school idols


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No. 576750 [Reply]

where did /bun/ go…
we were supposed to go back there
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Does anyone still have that one image of Jones making an ahegao face with the text "Anonymous Jones is cumming"?


I don't know if you post it I can check if it's in my archives.


*crickets* and that's what I get for trying to help…

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No. 575021 [Reply]

That's it. Going to Japan to pick up my big, cold slampig gf.
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that's 3000 yen per kg how many would you like


sigh miria is such a good girl


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