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No. 630582 [Reply]

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crying remembering when someone gave me a addy(adamant) pickaxe when i first started scaping


love popping addies


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No. 630177 [Reply]

It's out.
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It's easier to get women than friends


i got a bunch of friends (you guys) simply by browsing imageboards which boards do i browse to get a bunch of gfs


the diamondcoffeeshop


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I passed N3.


when someone challenges my nihongo now I just tell them pass the n1 and get back to me lol

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No. 630644 [Reply]

I saw a hot girl today and I gave her my phone and told her to add me and she said which social media I said my ota account duh


i saw a hot girl today and quickly tried to pull up scos6 but it doesnt work like it used to on my new phone so i didnt catch anything


cropped pussy!!!


scared sometimes when i read ota posts like this didnt even know this existed crying


ill give you something to cry about if you arent careful


it's okay little baby come here let daddy comfort you

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No. 630572 [Reply]

I may be gay but I do *NOT* post on ota.
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What a story, so many twists and turns.


hate when a sexy thumbnail shows up on pixiv and i click it and then realize its a guy and his balls just werent in the thumbnail it just happened again


im not gay though anyone would get a boner from something like that


uh no you dumb homo


i told you im not a homo were you not listening besides i dont want to fuck him (that would be gay and I. AM. NOT. GAY.) i want to be him and as i am a male (straight) there is nothing intrinsically homosexual about self inserting as another male

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No. 550355 [Reply]


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nice chesticles


not sure if girls are actually cute or i'm just addicted to porn


it can be both



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No. 575260 [Reply]

Amirite ota bros?
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good thing im not ugly


shut up norman


Sex is for henri not us


henri left imageboards so he could get an otakette gf to discuss idol anime with and go to conventions and concerts with and have sweaty s〇x with maybe i should have followed him instead of begging him to come back


henri homo

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No. 551318 [Reply]

Ken-sama… Wow
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living dream…




Tonight is the night, bros… I'm gonna finally do it


wonder what happened to owgirl will she visit ota again


Do what?

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No. 555835 [Reply]

A tragedy as old as time
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had a hima thread cached on my kindle from early 2017 and i accidently had it refreshed


If only money mattered then at least you'd have a chance.
I've seen literal homeless Chads get gfs while regular wageslaves making good money go without which is probably for the best because if they do end up getting lucky they just get divorce raped in the end.






Just think that thread would have been worth tens of thousands in 2024

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No. 562811 [Reply]

We made Henri leave.
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You made everyone leave. Enjoy your dead site, you stupid fucking ratmen.


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I made this thread.

K3k based

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No. 629897 [Reply]

I'm going to eat my own diarrhea and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
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I've never had indian cuisine and I'm not looking change that. Everything about indian culture sickens me and frankly I believe they should be confined to their own country. That includes pakistan, nepal and bangladesh.


Here’s the thing. Every structure imposed upon your brain is something controlling you. Language determines and limits the possible range of my thoughts? I now think conceptually and non verbally. Cultural history? I read widely, of all religions, philosophies and artistic traditions. I defer or favour none of them. I deprogam the models of thought imposed on me by circumstance and thus create a process where I shatter artificial firmaments which prescribe my thoughts and hem me in, which determine me. This is a lifelong process of total freedom. And what is the most innate, the most basic level of constraint and mental imposition? Instinct. As we meditate to recognise the unconscious patterns of thought emerging from the body and dictating our desires and ideas, so we must also overcome other biologically enforced systems. Scat isn’t just some fetish, it isn’t just some clownish piglike simplicity in rolling around in shit. It’s taking the most basic, the most ingrained, the most innate and instinctive imposition on our minds, disgust at faeces, and saying no, i’m going to completely master my mind and body by actually making myself love it. Total freedom. Total self determination and liberation. If you can make yourself love scat, the most instinctively vile thing, you are at liberty to totally psychically control the rest of your thoughts and desires without outside compulsion- your entire self, lifeworld, phenomenological existence becomes yours to pick and choose at will. It only seems disgusting to you because you let something order you around, tell you what to fear and be repulsed by.


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parents dragged me to an indian restaurant a few weeks back
it was newly opened in the village the first pajeet run shop there
probably a work visa scam or something everything they do is a scam
it was packed with boomers on a thursday night the cacophony was awful the decor was cheap and shit and the food unremarkable despite the high price my boomer parents blew on it
fuck restaurants and fuck indians
do NOT like the idea of some smelly underpaid third worlder making my food its so gross


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Well, I can't speak for that restaurant, but for me the cuisine is the best in the world, or rather just the combination of spices commonly used.

I just made a second batch of curry, fixed all the mistakes from first time, and it's absolutely delicious, even better than the Indian restaurant.

I've been watching a lot of videos of Indians make curry, and they got all different kinds of ways, here's what I did:

- Fried up diced onion in olive oil in steel pot
- Added can of diced tomatoes + garlic powder + ginger powder
- Cooked until mostly a consistent paste
- Fried up two chicken breasts with a half-stick of butter in a cast-iron pan
- Pulled it apart into small pieces with two forks as it cooked
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thankfully authentic japanese kareraisu isn't actually curry but rather meat with thick gravy served over rice

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No. 630491 [Reply]

This is my girlfriend.

Don't look at her.
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This is my girlfriend, you can look at her.

Got drunk and fell asleep for like 2 hours, it's over, my sleep schedule is ruined again I'm not gonna be able to fall asleep tonight. I know if I try to stay up all night and day it's going to fuck me up for weeks.


>This is my girlfriend, you can look at her.


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Not my girlfriend. You can look at her if you want but that's as far as you'll get.


what a fatty!


If you didn't want me to look at her why would you post her?

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No. 630294 [Reply]

I don't get why anyone still wastes their time and energy on imageboards. You people are retarded.
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idolcels get the rope


idols get the rape


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yeah its waning on me
spent the last 17 years doing the whole anime and imageboards thing
there is nothing left to see
what do i have to show for it
absolutely nothing good
i quit alcohol and am now present
im so profoundly bored of it all


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Why has it only gotten better for me, and I appreciate it more?

If I could sit here for 200 years on a computer that'd be great, shame I have to die or do shit eventually.


simply because people like you are the reason it gets shittier and shittier

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