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No. 567634 [Reply]

Made ketchups rice for dinner
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Having leftover ketchup rice for breakfeast


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Gonna make ketchup pasta for dinner


ketchup and rice go together like bread and vegemite


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No. 567657 [Reply]

I was fillying a little hoarse so I decided I'd whinny on oats


my throat is sore


semen always makes my throat sore for a few hours but ive never seen anyone else talk about this so i always figured it was just me


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No. 567672 [Reply]

the flippin flipsides


flipside is dead now that krile doesnt sing for it


A flipper must flap.

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No. 567577 [Reply]

need a nice threadripper for my pc shougi software


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Threadrippers are worse than Ryzen/Core series CPUs for gaming, emulation, or anything else that requires good single-thread performance.

With that said, I finally got a good second GPU for VGA passthrough (RX6400, AMD's RDNA2 cards don't have the infamous "reset bug" anymore).

Finally setup QEMU and Looking Glass properly so I can just press one button on my Linux desktop and a Windows 10 VM pops up with full GPU acceleration and seamlessly integrates with keyboard/mouse/audio support.

I've never even connected the VM to the internet, I run anything I want and don't care if it's malware because it doesn't matter. Mostly been downloading old eroge.


Don't need any of this in my Mac


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Everything that's wrong with the internet and technology these days has its roots in that point in time. People who are incapable of critical thinking should not be handed anything more complicated than a calculator. Come to think of it I doubt that most smartphone users even know what half the buttons on the calculator do.


Shougi search engines make heavy use of multithreading. Several pros are using rigs with a 3990x.

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No. 567585 [Reply]


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No. 567566 [Reply]

pride month starts tomorrow

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No. 567457 [Reply]

got dragged to a football game and nearly blew out my eardrums hated every second of it left early the FUCKING norms
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its kinda wild how insane this country is why do we still allow citizens to buy semi automatic rifles no other country on earth has as many mass shootings as we do


nico nico niiiii


my girl was sucking me and while i was nutting a little bit came out late and i said oh shit bonus round


retarded pol shillbot got lost


Lol don't say anything bad about muh guns pweese

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No. 563692 [Reply]

saw one of these at the feeder today it was cute
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saw a mazda with a sticker on its gas tank lid featuring a manga girl with text saying fill me up





Uhh if it's the oldest how can it be new?


simple they killed the old oldest

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No. 562756 [Reply]

I really liked this scene from Shogun's Ninja (1980). It's 60MB I cut it myself.

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The Legend of Zelda was very popular in the 16th century.




made a webm and was waiting for the right time to post it but now will never have the chance


Wever understood the alt codes needed to make it work, sigh wish i was a tech whiz


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I feel like it really captured the feeling of a 16th century Japanese town and the Geisha were hot.

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No. 551238 [Reply]

They stole my idea to make this anime about 99% of men on Earth being dead.

But I came to a surprising realization after watching this. Before he is cryogenically frozen for 5 years to treat his multiple sclerosis, he confesses his love to a girl and she agrees to wait 5 years for him, wow this bitch is loyal right?

He wakes up as one of the only men left on Earth, and then refuses to sleep with any female except his old (now missing) gf.

The realization was that damn, a girl staying single for 5 years while he's gone is practically the same thing as being one of the last men on Earth with 5 billion women.

Would YOU stay volcel under these conditions? Almost certainly not. Really made me think about if the shoe was on the other foot.
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on average men have been shown to prefer monogamy while females practice hypergamy and act more polygamous. I know its hard for foids understand that men are not whores like you all.


Maybe if by "men" you mean low SMV cucks who have to make do with Chad's table scraps.

Chad doesn't even think in terms of monogamy vs hypergamy, to him sampling dozens, hundreds of different females and picking the best one out of them when he wants to settle down is as natural as breathing, and just as easy.




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I'm low SMV cuck


uh cels cant be cucks

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No. 546441 [Reply]

The sheep of schizo-spam protection.
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im innocent i did nothing wrong


meep meep whatmins


Go back


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woah ota hey woke up wait what the flip


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I have a headache so bad I think I am going to be sick.

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No. 567391 [Reply]

a rare sighting of /jp/ in its natural habitat
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it was a fucking hoax kid


yeah but it was a epic hoax that caused many norms to flip out and probably suicide love me government for that troll


no it wasnt mom told me she knew someone who got sick last year


yea but my mum dont go out shes a Myspace NEET sounds like your mums friend should have been a NEET aswell


being neet doesnt have anything to do with not going out i see plenty of neets whenever i head downtown

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