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This movie is straight suifuel, it's about two tweens, a boyscout and moody girl eloping in the woods, including lengthy panty/bra shots, french kissing, marriage, hand holding, love, drama, adventure, and holy shit just kill me.
There is only a brief window of your entire life where love like this can happen, it is so short and then its over, fuck anyone who sabotages this.
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tried watching this once years ago and gave up perhaps ill give it another try
>There is only a brief window of your entire life where love like this can happen, it is so short and then its over
you will never have that one summer adventure with a girl both on the cusp of being a teenager
before the emotional ups and downs of adolescence but past the cloistered innocence of childhood
being 12 was pretty good but did NOT know any girls
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had a dream that I was the last human on earth and my mind was transferred to a machine leader and I got to watch my human body get ground into a paste in my old holding cell's toilet and what came out was a paste of meat and excrements but that triggered a trap that I'd set before and it killed all machine kind