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No. 607320 [Reply]

Was listening to an AMV with the song "Pumped Up Kicks", and I remembered I have a hard drive I thought died, but it was actually the SATA cable. I recently accessed it again, and found Raindy Stairs's archived Youtube channel. To be honest, I'm probably one of the only people in the world who have this, not that it's particularly interesting. You might remember him as the 2017 mass shooter who obsessed over "Danny Phantom" or more particularly a character from the show, "Ember". Much of his videos are about a fictional series he made called "Ember's Ghost Squad". It's all a bit surreal. I'm not one of those faggots who obsess over mass shooters, but something about this case struck me as particularly odd, probably because of the extensive amount of strange personal Youtube videos.




shame he didnt get into a decent series like love live school idol project



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No. 607241 [Reply]

I wish I was a teen again
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mom heard me playing the pururin song she said it sounded really cool


teen is a state of mind


frankly don't thing i was self aware as a teen i gamed i ate i played on the internet simple as that
things like hygiene or schoolwork did not matter to me and i was far happier back then


keep teen spirit



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No. 542430 [Reply]

Shhhh moeshitter. RUN the fuck AWAY, rat. SKEDADDLE. Your BITCH visa has expired.

Should my peripheral vision suffer obtrusion stemming from thy intrusion; thy piteous life shalt reach a premature resolution.

Expletives abound, yet none in my repertoire I had found, to eloquently expound how much your brittle skull I'd love to pound.

The superincumbent nous I instinctively espouse facilitates to arouse bombastic intelligentsia, little mouse.

BOOM is the sound that heralds your DOOM, and your psyche falls to a GLOOM as you helplessly bawl in your little ROOM.

I see you are taken aback, from witnessing this terrifying wit you lack. Rest easy, for you shan't suffer flak, it isn't thy fault your skin is near-black.

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esl die


wish mom would demonstrate proper stroking on my blade


mom asked if I wanted to flip I maid yeah okay



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No. 551617 [Reply]

Good work today. You were surprisingly motivated for some reason.

Huh? You want to walk me home? Well, okay. I'll just go get my coat.
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because he's retarded


office woman used to come into my office and blog and sit on my desk and ask me to look at her even though she had a long term boyfriend women are terrible


Yeah I hate it when women show romantic interest in me. Ugh.


It wasn't romantic that's how girls bully cels


Don't know this kimochi

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No. 584803 [Reply]

Selfie for the norms
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mindshattering that girls have a squishy hole between their legs that's designed for men to use


no its for peeing weirdo


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It's PREDICTABLE how God literally made the pussy for you to use and gets mad if you use the shithole instead.


if that were true why does it get warm and moist when the girl anticipates a male penetrating it?


girls pee from their assholes

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No. 607059 [Reply]

TGA is later today, might post relevant stuff.
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Truly the gamer awards


I didn't know about TGA until I saw posts about it on various sites yesterday. I don't know anything.


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No one actually cares about the "awards" part (aside from GoTY) it's because a lot of games get announced or have trailers released.


wish i was 12 again so i could actually care about games


simply start gaming

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No. 607057 [Reply]

Hey kid. Wanna fuck a anime horse?
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turt still posts on ghost sometimes


Yes I do
No I don't, most I do is browse it when I reach peak boredom every couple of weeks


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turd are you seeing this


Why is he called turd? Is it because he shits up every thread he posts in? Or because he stinks like shite? All of the above?


piss off kid

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No. 556542 [Reply]

so… you ARE coming to the gikopoi new year party… right..? everyone else was already invited. sorry you're getting your invite so late. anyway this is a 15+ year old 4chan tradition (TOO OLD LOL) but try to show up before midnight EST (UTC -0500). a ton of us are going to be having fun and it's going to be pretty sad if you're the only one who doesn't come, ota-ch!

- ⭕ anonymous OK
- ⭕ tripcode OK
- ⭕ vpn OK
- ❎ 3dpd NOT OK
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https://gikopoipoi.net/ <- Real gikopoi


wannabe vipteens or qateens pick your poison


i pik former


then you can eat shite



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No. 607024 [Reply]

is oatmin real? i have been here uhhhhhh 8 years now and have never seen her post or anything, well I wasnt here all the time until like 2018
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do NOT give this poster janitor ottermin


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Do it otamin or just sell the site to someone who cares. Don't listen to the asshurt teen raiders. This cannot continue. You disappear for weeks and the board becomes literally unusable because pedophiles and raiding retards are obsessed with spamming it and it's only a matter of time before it gets taken down again. Fucking do something already.


how is modding a spammer going to help fight the spammers


giving a random poster janitor would be better than giving a power tripper like whatmin the position


Make me the janitor I will take down the cp posts and spam.
However I would need everyone to promise not to be mean and rude if I miss something or something is up for more than ten minutes or if I get bored of the job or if there is too much spam too fast and I get overwhelmed and don't feel like bothering with it for a while.

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No. 560702 [Reply]

You're a bigshot low inhib norm while dreaming aren't you

Does that mean that is supposed to be your baseline but all of the brutal attacks over the years have caused you to take your current form
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put on the skirt already scaredy cat




when will it be my turn to be the girl


when you kill yourself


Wow I forgot I had that dream. Actually, I'm only just barely vaguely sure I made that post.

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No. 605046 [Reply]

Video games?
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Princess Ruto is shown completely naked, both in her child and adult forms, though nothing obtrusive is shown (no nipples, genitalia, etc.). However, all Zoras save for King Zora do not wear any clothes. The 3DS remake of this game gives Ruto some scant clothing to cover her chest/breasts at the very least.


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I forgot the Eggman chao garden existed, I thought it was going to be his goon chamber.


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No. 589706 [Reply]

they called me a teen again




keep teen spirit

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