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File: 1672039688876.png (372.31 KB, 800x900, __kujou_karen_kin_iro_mosa….png)

No. 580495 [Reply]

got two or more weeks break
its summer
do NOT know what to do with myself


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sexy baby ooooh

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No. 580065 [Reply]

Is it just me or does this Christmas seem to be more depressing than usual
19 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


washing machine


at christmas dinner grandma talked about duck sex she said the male mallard pushes the female underwater and holds her there during breeding


sex with grandma!


Do you want to come to Indonesia?


Henri is having holiday sex with some sexy women right this minute I wish I was there to cheer him on and admire

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No. 580475 [Reply]

merorin was here, you guys are faggots


Cute prehensile feet


Cute prehistoric image.

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No. 580438 [Reply]

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




i believe in you, you can figure this out


i said translate it you frickin weeb


google lens says "Nijika boyfriend"


there are four lines not counting the bubbles

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No. 580440 [Reply]

la la lycorecos happy lycorecos being happy la la



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No. 580421 [Reply]

Kneel, and then kill yourselves.



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No. 580255 [Reply]

"Humility isn't thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less."

—Otamin, The Andalite Chronicles


"if i had the means i'd gas the rest of them"
- oatman, annual address to the italian house of parliament




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"Sexually motivated relationships are the cornerstone of a successful family life."

– Otamin, "The Origin of Species"

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No. 580044 [Reply]

8 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Teh OG Moonlight Greatsword.


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Last floor


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you'd think someone with this much of a jan complex would try running their own imageboard or something

to bump again or not to bump again…


nice reposts from the /v/ crt thread

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No. 580258 [Reply]

I was at the 7-11 talking to my boy Rog, and I saw that there are big cup Reese's™ Peanut Butter Cups with potato chips IN them. So potato chip Reese's™ Peanut Butter Cups. And I thought, "This is so weird…so let me try it". And I got it, and I ate it, and let me tell you, it was pretty good. You know what it was like? First of all, there's no potato flavor, right? Second of all, it was just like those Reese's™ Take 5's, have you ever had a Reese's™ Take 5? Where it's like salty a little bit, and it's got pretzel in it. The potato added a REALLY nice crunch, so if you can envision a Reese's™ Peanut Butter Cup, with a really nice textural crunch in it…I don't know how they made it so the potato chips don't get, like, soggy. How do they stay crunchy in there? That's what I want to know…it's not an ad! I'm tellin' you, it was pretty good. The only, like, I ate the whole thing, right. *coughs* And I was thinking about it, like "Oh, this is about to be gross. I bet there's a potato aftertaste", and I was just waiting for the potato taste, but you don't get it. It's just a little bit of savory and salt, and…you know, a really nice crunch. Outside of that, it's a simple, usual Reese's™ Peanut Butter Cup. Um…but, I'll tell you this. You know how like…I'm not a paid actor! I'm just an actor. Uh…but anyway, the one thing I did notice though, after I was done eating it, then I was like, cleaning my teeth, you know like I had stuff in my teeth and it was like the way you feel when you have potato chips. It was like I ate potato chips. It was pretty weird and cool. It doesn't taste like potato chips, but the stuff it leaves in your teeth is like potato chip texture.


I would recommend it, it's not like a big fucking, look let's put it this way. If you like Reese's™ Peanut Butter Cups, you should definitely try it. 100%, If you like those. If you don't like 'em then…stay away from it. It's like a different type of Reese's™ Peanut Butter Cup. I wonder if it's like, um…seasonal or limited or something.



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No. 580158 [Reply]

take it easy


uhhh is she ok


of course she's okay! Look at her smiling


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My own body; it feels like I am wearing a suit that I can't take off. One of these days perhaps, I will wake up for real. If my soul ever decides to reconnect with my corporeal self that is.


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Why do Japanese girls like melon bread so much?


comfort food

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No. 580097 [Reply]


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No. 542490 [Reply]

put a bowl of chips in me room before darkshowering smells good very kramer-っぽい idea to use food as air fresheners
18 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


My question is also genuine, and you still haven't answered it.


bought unsalted tortilla chips


room smells like mold but cant tell where its coming from


probably from the mold


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Might need to try the bowl of chips trick since doggie pooped in the room yesterday and it still smells wierd

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