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File: 1637538314650.png (456.95 KB, 736x671, E7qm4F3WQAAasZq.png)

No. 553555 [Reply]

The short (under 6'2") male is the most oppressed minority in modern society.
31 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The 5'8" cel vs the heightmaxxed chads


Marisa should be gnfos since she is prone to stealing


Have had my posts stolen by ota far more often than by the big g.


fucking die


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No. 581274 [Reply]

*makes the scary noise*

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No. 581186 [Reply]



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Oh no this can't be happening !

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No. 581064 [Reply]

Going to start a youtube channel and make 100k a month to react with "based" and "true" in response to videos I'm watching on stream.

See you later ota.


It'll probably happen. The only jobs in the future will be reacting to content produced by AI.



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No. 580860 [Reply]

I’m a husband and father with a small at-home business and a fairly normal life. One of my tasks is sharing carpool duties for my teenage daughter and her cheerleading friends to and from practice and competitions. As it happens, my wife and I haven’t had sex for over two years due to various medical and psychological issues. My wife’s aware of the problem, but it’s been very stressful, and we need to make changes. The other day I picked up my daughter’s friends, and I felt a surge of sexual attraction. I was horrified! I would rather cut off my penus than cause harm to a minor—or cheat on my wife, for that matter.

I want to quit carpool because these feelings make me ashamed and deeply uncomfortable. But then I’d have to come up with a plausible explanation that would still enable my daughter to be in the carpool. If I drive her solo, everyone will wonder what the problem is. Can you think of a solution here?
21 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you forgot to bump


Greetings and welcome to /jp/! You seem to be a 4channer who is new to this board. Things operate a little bit differently here. The biggest error you seem to have committed is confusing "sage" with an attack. What "sage" does is posts to the thread without bumping it. Here on /jp/ it is used mostly in a polite manner when you want to respond to a post but do not feel that your post is important enough to bump the thread, as how "sage" was originally intended to be used.

Enjoy your stay!


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Ahhhh CUTE!!!


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She walked into the thread and smelled Yummy Knicker

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No. 581026 [Reply]

That fucking Naruto

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No. 580782 [Reply]

I will be playing gikopoi with big dogs like meltingwax, tablecat, daddy cool, 0037, shii and tokiko for new year eve while you retards continue to shit up ota /jp/


the event is on 2023/01/01 @ 04:00 UTC

the instance is running on:

so what are you waiting for? (´• ω •`)
33 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


and that gives away that it's a different person… how?


I am just giving him the benefit of the doubt. That tranny is the biggest subhuman ever.


you can lead a man to the dots but you can't make him connect them


had dippin dots at cedar point they were okay


dippin dots screw that id rather be flippin thots Please stick it in mee

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No. 580478 [Reply]

Merry Christmas, /ota/!




christmas is over


its still Twelvetide

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No. 580834 [Reply]

the norms give me offerings so i dont destroy their crops


buu buu yumechis

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No. 580799 [Reply]

(´• ω •`)

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No. 580733 [Reply]

I'm SICK of bocchi the rock. Stop talking about it and posting it because there are enough threads. Haha she's shy but she rocks out isn't that a funny contrast? No not really. Not everyone cares about it. Who cares I already saw k-on and hitori bocchi why would I need to watch this then?
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



she's my guitar hero


hitori bocchi's two holes sucked ass


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Posting Kita The Rock!


happy happy kita

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No. 580725 [Reply]

Check out this stock image of the maid dragon bag I bought.

It has riz as the kids say.

Sorry I can't post the actual photo because I'm scared of backtracing.

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