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For about 8 years i had spiders near me everywhere so i killed a lot of spiders even when i didn't like doing it. Little spiders kept showing up and go in my hair at work and at home, roping down between my screen and my face and staying there as if they had something to say to me. 2 years ago i had enough so i told that one spider i was about to squash: "please stop coming, i'm just going to keep killing you guys if you do." I released it so it could carry the message to whomever and i haven't seen a spider since, confirming my hypothesis that indeed i was in contact with a spider spirit. Watching over me maybe? Was i the god and them the sacrifices?
I would like to apologize for my wrath but i still don't like spiders. Why spiders?
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You better stop bumping all these crusty old threads with your untitled images… or else.