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File: 1621713153884.png (981.71 KB, 954x720, e59513d9f0cc77def6a03dc8e4….png)

No. 536473 [Reply]

Wish I had a fairy mini-girl as my familiar/cocksleeve….
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ok, weeb, you made me laugh, so i will spare your life this one time…. consider youtself lucky….


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No. 562925 [Reply]

got bullied at the store today so i started crying then mom took me shopping to make up for it and i got a good deal buying pokemone then we went to go get food so i could calm down from earlier because it was a tasty hamburger
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Why did you rename that screenshot to "untitled" before posting it?


airplane hairclip


File: 1691458233443.jpg (3.91 MB, 3908x6428, untitled.jpg)

shopping with mom

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No. 549055 [Reply]

holy fuck i found my stolen bike on offerup what do i do
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I will tell you when you're older.


Females will not permit me to mate with them


sigh always a 30 year old male in his teens never learned about bras


What's bras? Is it some type of food? Please forgive my rudeness


Remember working my first real job and overhearing the adult women talk about things and then I realized I had no idea how women function but after getting made fun of one time after asking I was sure to never let my curiosity get the better of me again

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No. 537303 [Reply]

Went for a jog listening to anime music because my feet were feeling better and its nice and warm and sunny out but then i tripped and skinned my knee 2 miles in while listening to a nice ai song now it really hurts.

Why am i such a klutzy idiot.
71 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


love how bright and happy her smile is


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live JAV performance?


case of mistaken identity, i found a sea loveliver's investigation in a since deleted Myspace post with google years ago


radio guy finally fixed his stream walked 10 km listening to it really liked some stuff he played from necomimi*spacenoid



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No. 567489 [Reply]



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3d model done by a westerner what do cels think of this



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No. 595256 [Reply]

Protect women.
When was the last time you protected women?
44 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Had a dream where I was in a video game and we were tricking this guy to dive down into the depths of this ancient ruin with us by name dropping it as if we didn't know the legend about the king's treasure there. Don't remember how we were tricking him but as we started delving into the depths the guys suddenly disappeared and I was all alone. I realized I was in one of those FEAR spooky segments between action where Alma shows up so I was ready for the scary noise to come and for something scary to appear in the side of my vision. Sure enough this kind of dead zombie thing similar to the emaciated Alma but male and not fully human starts crawling at me slowly. I realize I'm supposed to shoot or hit it enough to stop it before it gets too close but I feel paralyzed and can barely move so I'm only making tiny weak hits. I accept that I'm probably going to die and get game over and try to move more but my body won't obey me and then I wake up and feel like I must have been only half asleep the entire time

Now I'm wondering if this is what sleep paralysis is like or if I had a pseudo-sleep paralysis because I wasn't awake enough for it to be scary


nice I can use gpt too


if that was original i feel sorry for you and your teachers


…if you know what I mean



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No. 560168 [Reply]

wish I could go back to living in blissful ignorance


I was doomed to a lonesome life because I made the fatal mistake of being born with deficient facial bone growth


despise when fats complain about being ugly they dont even know



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No. 594574 [Reply]

Placeholder for next post.
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Placehold this


Epilepsy warning, don't open this if you're effected by red/blue strobe lights like that one banned Pokemon episode.


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Nightcore - When You're Gone



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days in my life . fill your life with your favorite|cooking, drawing, cozy & productive daily life


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No. 595434 [Reply]

caught red handed


what are they soyfacing about?


Boys shouldn't be doing these things! Where are their parents?


this is originally a girl you just used deep ai fusion journey to morph the boy's head onto her body


wow great work sherlock


>deep ai fusion
aka gimp

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No. 595446 [Reply]

>be me
>shopping at walmart bc i need new work shoes
>zoomer teen detaches from his little herd comes up to me
>"lol hey man i'm looking for underwear for my daughter, what aisle is it in?"
>dude is not old enough to have a kid but whatever
>point out the aisle to him
>right before he walks off i say "just so you know i don't even work here"
>whole group is snickering
>zoomer says "i know, you just look like someone who would know"
>angry as fuck for the rest of my shopping trip
what the fuck did he mean by that?


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Trim your beard and get contacts instead of glasses

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No. 595438 [Reply]

your dad has too much money


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My dad is an autistic psychopath like me. We almost never talk to each other, he has a lot of money saved but it's for his own retirement (self-employed so he can't rely on any pension).


crying arisu and her successful mama and papa are such a loving family

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No. 579180 [Reply]


smelly pussy!
6 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i love women and their pussies


I came up with this, or maybe I helped forcing it, that's what my memory tells me but it could be wrong.


congratulations for inventing pussies


Instead of making pussies not look disgusting and scary God decided to make men hornier


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it always felt like oatmans had a hand in the creation of p**sy

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