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No. 598845 [Reply]

Post whatever you want ITT
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a layer of protective fat is important
imagine those ripped cunts getting sliced with a knife or beaten
no barrier at all
straight into muscle


you know its actually pretty hard to land a good punch on yourself


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i heard you on the wired back in '03
lying awake intent at lurking in on you
if i was young it didnt stop me coming through


and lord knows ive tried



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No. 641968 [Reply]

Console game we play
Touch your ass and i want more
You are so hot give


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Ruben slikk is a little punk


$100 pocket money for the high school girl when she has sex with me & pregnant now


Ruben slikk doesnt compare to biggie or tupac his music is stupid Tumblr shit

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No. 641932 [Reply]

I actually reinstalled league and played it for the first time in over a year. Very first game I went on a rampage with miss fortune. I forgot how fun this game was but I just hate how they put all this extra stuff in the jungle like baron or all the drakes and other stuff.
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"Competitive fps" is a genre, if you say you prefer "competitive fps" over another genre, it doesn't imply you think other genres aren't competitive.

ChatGPT is great at teaching English btw, ask it if you have further questions.


don't get fresh with me


why is erectile dysfunction agpmin so arrogant


mindblowing studies say high testosterone men want to rape trannies they often browse imageboards labeled as gynandromorphophilia and gynandromorphs


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No. 641921 [Reply]


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pekora not understanding loan words like armor vs a-ma or zenloss vs zenlosu will never not be funny
and the korosan adventure to find clownfish afterwards was neat too


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haha, get it? she's fugu-chan instead of fubuchan!!!

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No. 624482 [Reply]

little angels
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very punchable little bellies


secret pussies that cute girls hide away beneath their clothes.


tight little holes


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She's not wrong

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No. 553493 [Reply]

ITT we summon lolimo!
56 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


open up that pussy baby


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what a karen


love me some loli vid fotos


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No. 641893 [Reply]

Women are gay and stupid


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Women are not gay, they understand how stinky and bacteria ridden vaginas are, and almost none have a particular interest in going near them like men do. Lesbian sex life is notoriously dead.


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I wish this game was fun


>lesbian sex
Not a thing, they are just hugging.

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No. 641814 [Reply]

Shit all over myself to prove a point.
18 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


never got handed a home test and i live in the us


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uhh did you not get any from work?
Please stick it in mee


i think i might be attractive again


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It got moderately worse today but nothing too bad, I finally felt my immune system kick in and start killing the virus, I could literally feel when it kicked in and my throat stopped hurting. Gives me this chilly weak tired delirious dreamy feeling. Now I'm all cozy.

I read that people have been getting coronavirus infections since forever, it's just that in the past we didn't know what they were, or called them "the cold". It's also an RNA virus and not known to be oncogenic.

I'm sure there are worse forms of the virus out there, and especially if you're like 80 or have a weak immune system it might fuck your shit up.

"SARS-CoV" was recognized in the early 2000s, 2020 was "SARS-CoV-2". My theory is that they're simply just forms of coronavirus that have always been here before the early 2000s, and all the way up to 2020, it's just that no one particularly gave a shit, no one tested for it, just told you you have "respiratory infection" or "the cold", but the strain in 2020 was particularly bad, and may or may not have been enhanced by the Wuhan lab.


made chicken satay with stir fry vegetables and rice

i attempted to velvet the chicken which i think worked but it became kinda too soft. in a gravy based dish think i should have cut it a bit thicker or not bothered
the sauce was made from scratch and i felt was slightly too viscous

the vegetables i attempted to stir fry but the gas stove can only put out limited heat i think they were fine
i have no sense of taste or smell so dunno if it was any good
mom said it was

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No. 640405 [Reply]

I don't see why you'd want to post on hima though, that place is basically an irc/discord in the form of an imageboard for like five tards that are super elitist towards outsiders and will retard shame you for not speaking in their degenerate creole despite the fact that all they do is continuously microblog about inane shit like what their mothers made them for dinner
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xlate this skibidi gooners


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only in ohio


sigh himako

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No. 641877 [Reply]


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No. 543279 [Reply]

the otamin
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don't mean to impose or anything but you better have a look at your report queue


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That's better.


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Thanks for making me this person in all their heads now btw

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No. 641873 [Reply]

That's so funny…Please stick it in me…


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mom: where's your sister, is she in there with you?

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