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No. 561836 [Reply]

only 8 days until the new season, heres your kasu-quick recap!

dr. kasumin:
103 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


any pics


they have stricter laws so i didnt take any sorry




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No. 642390 [Reply]

ota is a pro-kson webzone

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No. 642389 [Reply]



take your meds and stop spamming, retarded schitzo

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No. 536448 [Reply]

Fresh Arch Linux install:

- 170 MB RAM usage
- 1.6 GB disk usage
- Absolutely dead silence on network, no packets
- No spyware
- Only 160 packages

And this OS is capable of running 85% of Windows games (with comparable performance and sometimes literally better than native Windows), and also capable of running Windows 10 in a VM with GPU passthrough.

There's just no excuse for using Windows on your main OS unless you're lazy and like being spied on.

Windows should be confined to a cuck VM that is solely used for games that don't work on Wine yet.
75 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


dont listen to sudo hes fat


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climate change my ass


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FILE MANAGERS ON LINUX/BSD FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I personally wish SpaceFM is still being maintained and not abandoned or ghosted by developer. It's the ONLY tolerable GUI file manager as it doesn't rely on udisks or polkit, nor desktop environment dependencies. It's minimal but yet feature-packed. However. it doesn't support Please forgive my rudenessS protocol which means I can't drag and drop archive files from Xarchiver, cannot generate custom folder icons for $HOME, really janky at obscure areas like multiple tabs with panes will eat up your available RAM, have to use plugins and patch files to workaround issues, I currently have 4 patches installed for quality of life improvements.

I'm slowly trying to incorporate terminal file managers, like lf, mc, and dired to my directory browsing workflow. If anything, I consider Thunar, and PCManFM-QT as the best "polished" file managers.

i also could nag how windows offers plethora of alternative file explorer options and extensions like total commander directory opus voidtools everything qttabbar sktimestamp powertoys bleh gnome commander double commander and krusader is subpar crying for fsearch and plocate

gtkhash is equivalent to openhashtab


I am a nautilus enjoyer, unfortunately.


these recommendations dont look too bad

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No. 559849 [Reply]

for you, retard
54 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Antonio would of fucked all these bitches by now


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Decided to change my character bio to say asexual instead of lncel since it sounds cooler to be a badass villain that doesn't need sex or love not to mention it absolves me of the guilt of inaction


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This year's Valentines day falls on a Friday. You know what that means, right?


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skip the pseudo romantic prelude

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No. 642347 [Reply]


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Video unavailable
This video contains content from CPR Agency Mix for EUROPACORP, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds


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>I am not PREDICTABLE! I know he swapped that hamburger order! I knew it was someone else's order. Less than 30 seconds. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got those idiots Dick and Mac McDonald to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. Those overly polite responses to my retarded questions! Are you telling me that a man just happens to be that patient and nice? No! He orchestrated it! The McDonald's employee! He withheld the silverware and plates! And I paid him! And I shouldn't have. I gave him thirty-five cents! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep tables and chairs available to dine at! But not our McDonald's employee! Couldn't be our precious McDonald's employee! Putting straws in customer's soft drinks! And he gets to be a cashier!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him! You-


I remember getting mildly upset watching this scene years ago I'm not surprised it became a meme.
It's just too stupid and unnatural durr how eat where eat.


what possesses a person to type all of this out

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No. 642365 [Reply]


if i click on this and theres tuber shit theres gonna be trouble


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its valentines day all the tubers are out with their boyfriends

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No. 642239 [Reply]


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sticking out my gyatt for nerizzler


no shes sticking it out for black men you cuck now masturbate in the corner with me

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No. 642358 [Reply]

where the FLIP is the stream indogmin

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No. 642356 [Reply]

I did not realize league had so many SHABs i never really cared to notice before I suppose

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No. 637236 [Reply]


Flyleaf is a Christian rock band formed in Belton, Texas, in 2002.[2] The band has charted on mainstream rock, Christian pop, and Christian metal charts.
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Nier Automata - Resistance Camp



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Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 2 OST - Battle For Survival Extended


Nocturne and DDS are the most liminal games ever made.


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I use the subscriber count to decide if a youtuber is worth watching
1M+ not worth watching
500k-1M maybe but some risk
100k-500k probably
50k-100k very good
10k-50k maybe
<10k not worth watching


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POV: You're at a wedding and the bride & groom like Final Fantasy VII


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No. 629134 [Reply]

why do girls like money?
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Owgirl never moans and she says it's because of her parents but I know she just doesn't love me


crying for owgirl having to suppress her moans when dad gunked those guts so mom wouldn't know


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I bet she won't take three unwrapped loads for ¥37000.


Shes just going to give it straight to her bf andrew tate


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