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No. 561741 [Reply]

Boids 1
Foids none


I sure hope this viewer isn't implying any woman below age 35 is capable of cooking anymore more than hamburger helper


Imagine taking turns with your girlfriend too cook nice meals for eachother, wouldn't that be nice! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶


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Hey good job you're going to make them suffer even more than I can


My cooking won't be THAT bad ok ~(>_<~)

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No. 561708 [Reply]

At 14 I told my therapist, she refused to prescribe me hormones and my parents who were conservatives told me they wouldn’t approve of changing my therapist.

Then, the same year I started going through puberty, grew hair, an Adam’s apple and my voice lowered permanently.

I had to get black out drunk every night at 14, just to fall asleep. I had to suffer in silence as my body went through changes I did NOT consent to. I felt trapped I wanted to scream and burn the world down. I was fighting puberty with every ounce of my will.
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drinking because mom did NOT bring me my puberty blockers


is the endgame of all this "i need to consent to natural occurrences" just antinatalism? after all, I did NOT consent to my conception


if you think facial hair or an adam's apple is bad imagine having facial bones that are the wrong size by just a few millimeters


Yes. But before that, we get government sponsored sex.


melodramatic alconorm teen

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No. 561605 [Reply]

Sit. Stay. Roll over. Good pochi.
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phew thank goodness her eyes are censored and not the heckin hutacock


It's mosaiced idiot.


Do you have any ones of submissive girls.


That's just what japanese genitalia look like


Henri would have loved this thread… would have tugged his doggy boycock to it

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No. 561533 [Reply]

Otamin I'm starting to get fat but eating is the only thing I have to look forward to anymore
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Henri would have posted this.


guys i bought a ps5 controller and downloaded elden ring i finally feel like im in with the times i died 3 times to the mini boss guy in the beginning in the cave then the tree sentinel beat me at least 50 times but thats okay because im getting better



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I think the worst part about being strong or perhaps the only bad part about being strong is how easily you can rip your clothes off on a whim when out of it




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No. 561031 [Reply]

Fuck ota.
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ah, yes vtubers. Boring whores screaming retard shit into a microphone while simps give them all their money.


They use a cute voice and never say threatening or mean things that's why I like them.


I don't watch vtubers.


this one just did


Koyori is pretty sexy, not going to lie.

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No. 561444 [Reply]


Wish I lived in 1400s Europe in a castle, and there would be a castle town below with markets and houses, and vast plains you could ride a horse on with no fences, that shit would've been cooler than this.
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Men only want one thing and it's disgusting.


imagine thinking wealthy people abide by laws and rules


Wow that's really cool! Let's conquer the castle together ota!!!!


>le imagine
>le epic meme
>le imagine in le current year



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No. 561248 [Reply]

Did you end up the worst off out of everyone you knew growing up?
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hes NOT a norm


gymnorm gymnorm


sorry made my decision hes a norm but what can you expect from the cord gang


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How can you tell if someone is a norm anyway what makes someone a norm


God has not completely forsaken the cel as he has given each and every one an internal norm radar, to know who is a norm instantly with the minimum of information.
Just a name can tell me if you're norm or not.

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No. 561387 [Reply]

It says on you're chart you've never held a girl's hand. We regret to inform you that 100% of KHV syndrome cases are terminal. We're sorry.
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No post


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My friend and I will feel one another's hands and rub our fingers and stuff tonight he said he could have had a gf but he blocked her because he doesn't really want one he just gets lonely and wants to be held I don't know if he's hinting at me or what but I don't know if I am ready for that not to mention since he's taller I fear that I would default to being the girl


You are so lucky to have a special friend. Next time you should wear a cute skirt for him!




wonder how many people know this
why have we been so brain broken to strictly adhere to finding women only above 18 as attractive but seconds before her 18th birthday youre a sick weird pedophile

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No. 561415 [Reply]

Today is the day and none of you remembered…
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Lolimo hated Love Live


loli live


sigh no loli imouto




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No. 561393 [Reply]

cel appreciation thread!! all of you are always welcome here on ota


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No. 561142 [Reply]

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2 minutes in and its obvious none of them realize girls hit puberty before boys. should be asking high school seniors.


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Would you watch higurashi kira with your mom?


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Are we using that himaspeak where we call our gfs mom in order to slip by the cels?


mom just wiped and powdered me


papika and kokona…

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No. 561317 [Reply]



reading about this now in The Courage to be Disliked
seems pretty fucking stupid, maybe if you are the alpha-omega normie that will work, or you don't give a single fuck about personal relationships (which would go against the rest of the book, so far)
Then again I'm only half way through the book. But so far all the examples have been avoiding the fact that you need to be fake in order to receive what you need from others. Like the example in the book I thought it was finally going to address, was that the guy's boss didn't like him. Instead of bringing up the point that the boss is the one paying him, he says that the problem with the boss not liking him is that he can't get his work done, which is then rightfully pointed out as being no more a piss poor excuse for not doing your work. That's obviously not the issue with your boss not liking you, the issue is he will be more likely to fire you, or more likely to not promote you.

But like I said, just about only half way done, maybe Alfred Adler will stop living in lala land by the end.


Huh, so that's what I thought about it while I was reading, strange cause I felt like I had a lot of outside for it after I finished, I was actually thinking about the book recently, as in just like an hour ago I was looking up Adler. Quite the coincidence to happen upon this thread randomly, I just wanted to test out this name. I mean I still don't think what I said here is wrong but I guess by the end of the book the belief is that your will have a more enriching life being real instead of Fame even if it keeps to stuff like your boss hating your and firing you. Because your have to have faith in people, though the book says your bed to do it regardless of people expenses or what you expect. I can't follow that, and don't really believe that though I admit it probably works for others.

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