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No. 591991 [Reply]

the filling fell out for the 3rd week in a row it hurts every time they put it back why am i cursed why


Try stannous flouride to cure cavities.

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No. 591949 [Reply]

never wipe off that grim perma angry hopeless romantic look off your face even when a girl is smiling at you


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chie is getting an episode in the new anime and i think its gonna be really cute and i cant wait to see it



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>even when a girl is smiling at you
very rare

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No. 591941 [Reply]

Time to die!


says who


think that one is called pikachu or something


i think you are mistaken because i love pikachu and that thing looks nothing like it

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No. 591905 [Reply]

Why do White males make up 70% of all daily suicides despite being only 32% of the population? Why are white males 90% more likely to know a friend or relative that has killed themselves? Why are white males the only demographic that will suffer from an increase in suicidal ideation for their entire lives?


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the tard at the convenience store asked whether i was having a "good day"


dont understand identity politics why are you acting like a homo or minority who cares about your race or gender

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No. 564127 [Reply]

penises are like cow udders when you think about it you tug them and milk comes out
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>Sex organs


love tugging my sex organs


otaboys love to make milk


ota loves milk and other netidols


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No. 591794 [Reply]

mom made something she called spa water its a pitcher of water with pieces of fresh mint lemons and cucumber in it very refreshing


could have made it yourself


cucumber water for customers only


hate cumbers


fancy water


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I like cucumbers they're one of my favorite plant foods.

I enjoy eating them raw with salt, or as a cucumber sandwich with toast and mayo/salt.

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No. 563639 [Reply]

Why do girls do this?
128 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


die turdposter


I'm a poison born to bring ruin to this corrupted world so that that it may be reborn.


You have a choice at all times, you get to choose, remember that always.


henricel seethes


crying for nenmin

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No. 591849 [Reply]

Merorin was here, you guys are faggots


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Final Fantasy XVI will save the ps5


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FF16 and FF7R Rebirth are only PS5 exclusive for 6 months - 1 year

That's the only exclusive games that even remotely matter too, aside from a remake of Demon's Souls but that's a 2009 PS3 game.


Bloodborne PC port any day now

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No. 591809 [Reply]

Once you've procured enough sexual history and dating experience, are over the age of 25, and have achieved true self actualization, there is no more FOMO for a 'loving relationship'. Its a farce. All you need to do is sit there and reminisce for 2 minutes to realize all the lovey dovey googoo talk and cute widdle dates are overwhelmingly overshadowed by the responsibility of keeping your bitch in check, entertaining her desire for social outings with her friends and family, keeping up appearances for her parents, distracting you from YOUR dreams to achieve her cute little life. When you have been through enough of this, and you actually have self respect as a man, you realize how pathetic it really is. Why should I, a man, the pinnacle of the animal kingdom, through millenia of rigorous selection pressure, bow to an objectively inferior, selfish individual financially, emotionally and physically; literally extract resources from me. Adam and Eve is literally an allegory for women fucking up a man's perfect world, it has always been this way.
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love flippin women no woman gets unflipped when I'm around


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I had my own copes but then I fell in love and of course it didn't work out and now I just want to kill myself.


Almost every time I go into public I get stared at by tween/teen girls of course I am considered undesirable by girls my own age and I had to be born in the one era of human history when we aren't allowed to marry 14 year olds I'm not even a ped I'm just lonely

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No. 553895 [Reply]

Remember frends, all poopoo times are hard times, but not all hard times are poopoo times.

Stay thirsty my friends.
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Nincompoops. Losers. Bystanders. Rush yourself into an argument with a freight train.


It's really fucking bad


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altered image


walked with mom and saw she was about to step in dog poop but didnt want to use the word poop in front of mom so hesitated and just watched as she stepped in it


crying why didnt you protect her

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No. 564011 [Reply]

I'm Pickle Rick Piccolo Dick!




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Thanks doc

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No. 591819 [Reply]

its back


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Do roboco dream of electric watame?

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