No. 591809 [Reply]
Once you've procured enough sexual history and dating experience, are over the age of 25, and have achieved true self actualization, there is no more FOMO for a 'loving relationship'. Its a farce. All you need to do is sit there and reminisce for 2 minutes to realize all the lovey dovey googoo talk and cute widdle dates are overwhelmingly overshadowed by the responsibility of keeping your bitch in check, entertaining her desire for social outings with her friends and family, keeping up appearances for her parents, distracting you from YOUR dreams to achieve her cute little life. When you have been through enough of this, and you actually have self respect as a man, you realize how pathetic it really is. Why should I, a man, the pinnacle of the animal kingdom, through millenia of rigorous selection pressure, bow to an objectively inferior, selfish individual financially, emotionally and physically; literally extract resources from me. Adam and Eve is literally an allegory for women fucking up a man's perfect world, it has always been this way.
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