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No. 585618 [Reply]

Girls who would kill me! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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school days


Thank you!


All girls want you dead if you're less than 6/10


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That sounds wonderful! Though my aim is to be the perfect one for my significant other!



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No. 573367 [Reply]

checkmate your move ota
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my boy fell off


i broke my boy


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Very cute!! Excellent image!!! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶


just like me fr fr

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No. 589560 [Reply]

SMT art
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I liked the part when the demon demanded pussy as payment for summoning him and MC straight up sacrificed his nice teacher to be the demon's personal cumdump. But later the demon wanted MC's gf for his harem and somehow the MC felt it was wrong. Glad they changed almost everything about 真・女神転生


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ota is finally playing/reading a REAL megami tensei I never thought I'd see the day


normgami tensei


>nice teacher
she was a common garden variety foid, one step removed from a demon herself, and it's not a sacrifice when she enjoyed every moment of submitting to demon cock
>Ohara's love for Loki was special. She had been given as an offering to the demon Loki by Nakajima Akemi in June. At the time, the digital Loki had made love to her in a virtual world.
>The voluptuous Ohara was no stranger to sex, but the intense, nearly-fatal ecstacy she felt from sleeping with a demon had brought out the innate feminine devilishness within her to its umost extremes.
>Soon Loki materialized, gaining the ability to take form in the human world. Ohara belonged to him heart and soul, and she became impregnated with his child.
all foids go to hell

Yumiko on the other hand was a nice and good pure hearted girl, a goddess, both figuratively and literally. They can not touch her.

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No. 642590 [Reply]

Im about to bust

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No. 642568 [Reply]


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waddafuck man I don't even know how to play this game


played this on my vita years ago took an hour to win


crying dont like scary games like this


get a load of this crying homo lol

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No. 642572 [Reply]

Japan has been driving on the left since before automobiles were produced.

This is because if you drive on the right, swords will collide and a fight will ensue.

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No. 642563 [Reply]

built a snowfort with mom

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No. 642560 [Reply]



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No. 642500 [Reply]

i tried to play persona 5 today and it took forever to find a download and when i finally found one and tried to play it it was in japanese and i don't understand it :(
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Play a real Megami Tensei game


And let's be honest. Even in the case of violent rapes most adult women deserve it. Just look at how many of them are feminists or at how many of them wish torture, violent death, and eternal torment on pedophiles because "waah they prefer a different physical appearance than what I've been brainwashed into believing is acceptable"

Of course unlike them I'm not evil so I wish for their souls to go to heaven just as I do for all souls without exception. Nobody deserves hell.


do you want to get raped


If I was cute I would be happy to be. It would be gross as a man though.


I deserve rape. Raping? Being raped? Those details don't even matter.

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No. 642425 [Reply]

Super Saiyan 4 Goku es canon en Dragon Ball Daima.
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You know who else likes dragon ball? Japanese people.




homoerotic ball


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Please excuse my poor English I will never live in Latam/Brazil and have the entire community come out to the one TV to watch Dragon Ball together

Mi amigos es no bueno….


Now let's see what the pros are

-you're not going to get shot by 2 low lifes on a motorbike
-you're not going to get randomly shot out doing shopping
-you're not going to get shot opening the door to your house
-you're not going to get kidpanned and shot
-you're not going to have your gf kidnapped, raped and shot

yes they shoot first and rob you later

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No. 642405 [Reply]

It's lanzhu and choco-sensei's birthdays!
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yeah spread that tight asshole baby


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uhm choco sensei?


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happy birthday Lanzhu!


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happy birthday Lanzhu!

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No. 554144 [Reply]

my work colleague/boss was complaining to me about his teen daughter today
she is i think 15 and a bespectacled gamer/geek girl
i have met her before
anyway he was going on about how she was "real into japan" and had posters in her room of "those japanese cartoons, she's almost 16" as though it was highly absurd a teen would like cartoons

me, not wanting to revel my power level to the person ive worked with for 8 years.. "yeah, that stuff's pretty popular with teens apparently.."

little did he know he was face to face with a veteran 32 y/o weeb whose MAL has almost 140 entries
was chuckling about it for a while
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bought all the volumes


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op here
the daughter is now in university
shes a well socialised norm
my mal is up to 224 entries
my power level remains unrevealed


huh i passed 1000 and i havent bothered to add anything i watched from 2024 to it yet and only dad knows i watch the jap yaps


think ive watched 3 new shows and 1 new ova in the last 5 seasons
90% of anime is trash

and out of that the only real decent one was the yuru yuri spinnoff


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