>>589697 Whoever wrote this is a complete moron! It must be a joke? Using poor grammar and bad spelling to criticise anyone else's use of language, on the subject of “irony”, surely this must be a joke… if not he's a total idiot!
- Incorrect use of semicolons
- the typos “unironcally” and “demostrate”
- MAGA is not an example of the irony definition given
- It's not “usually a synonym for literally” at all, this guy has completely missed the point. It's used in regards to things one might assume to be done ironically, but is actually sincere e.g. a metalhead who sincerely enjoys Britney Spears music, or a cinephile who likes Marvel movies. An English hipster edgelord could wear a MAGA cap ironically, but an American who truly supports Trump could wear the hat unironically. I am on an anonymous imageboard unironically criticising all the mistakes in an image, even though I have a feeling it's deliberately stupid!
- Something COULD be an “un-incongruous coincidence”, it's just called a coincidence! E.g. a normal car striking a normal pedestrian which are no way related.
- “unyellow” could be a perfectly cromulent word depending on the context. The white plastic fittings in the wet room at the factory turn yellow after a while, so every few months someone has to unyellow them. It's “not a word” but one could understand the meaning from the context.
- There is no central authority for the English language, and words change meaning based on how they're used. Not just over time, but even between different contemporary social groups.
- “Internet-educated” should be hyphenated
So yeah
>>589697 or whoever made that jpg is an idiot