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No. 637178 [Reply]

gotcha bitch

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No. 637004 [Reply]

>here's your črystal.çafé girlfriend bro
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kson got flipped by buddies when she was living in Atlanta


god what i wouldnt pay to see her bent over getting pounded hard by a man like henri


flip foids


my girlfriend initiates sex more often than not i just respond to her rubbing my henri through my pants by rubbing her and then that leads to taking off her clothes and sex

no words are exchanged during this process so technically it's rape


love kson

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No. 550788 [Reply]

It certainly is.


They're growing drugs on hima


I'm not surprised given it's hima.


wheres rondy he would love this thread


Blaze it

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No. 548309 [Reply]

pick one
17 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


you're horrible


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lvl 10 gyattt

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No. 637155 [Reply]

Why is there kamala harris mafia spamming those weird tiktok people about the UH CEO? Why did they kill him, what interest does the government have in that?




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It's HO HO HOVER for health insurance CEOs.


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wow T, Clinton, and otamin are just gonna get away with it. AGAIN.


I don't get it…?

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No. 634900 [Reply]

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Bad news, I uninstalled that shitty game because I got tired of pufferfish and monitor lizards in literally every match.


Fucking finally. Install that N word girl game and stream it.


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my wife is very smart


wow eroha?


That's not good news now you're just gonna play pee pee poo poo instead which is even worse

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No. 637088 [Reply]

Time for your walk bitch!


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The guy in supermax said he sometimes doesn't even go out for his 1 hour a day, because it's literally just another concrete cell with an open ceiling, but no TV or books.

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No. 593031 [Reply]

thats just her ass-cancer, its contagious
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Isn't Hoenn a pokemon thing


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Yeah, her streams get weird… And half of the context is missing because this was stolen from gn.


What does this have to do with gnfos?


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This thread was stolen and half the original posts are missing so that's why there's weird missing context.


I've been on gnfos since it was created

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No. 592102 [Reply]

Kill the jan," the people said
Dragged to the guillotine
He wept like a pussy fag
They'll need to make a page 15
To hold all these great new threads.

The blade fell, his pipe exposed
Looked on did old Niggy
Who filled his undies in delight
Jan sprayed blood; he spray shite.

Spake the Niggy:
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Please stick it in mee


i miss niggy *sigh*


Eddy dumped her not long after her undergrad but she's still a whore.

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No. 560211 [Reply]

Do girls fly into the air when they fart?
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Yep I also learned yesterday that female gymnasts do a bit of damage to their pelvic floors in training, and sometimes piss flies through the air at competitions when they do the flips. Apparently it's a common type of incontinence in gymnasts and horseriders but I haven't been able to find any footage…


nothing but quality


getting stinky in here..




thought i smelled something funny…

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No. 636718 [Reply]

Otaku culture thread
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I really like the macbook air M2, and my mom's happy with it.

Amazing in terms of hardware, exactly what I want out of a laptop. Very thin and light.

First time using macOS, and it's way better than my expectations. Window management is great, file manager is good, pretty standard Unix underneath I can see accounts are literally just Unix accounts, homebrew package manager doesn't look bad but I didn't use it, installing apps the normal way through .dmg -> /Applications isn't bad.

Even in terms of privacy it's network silent when idle at desktop.

I would have no problems using it over Linux if I didn't care so much about open source, full privacy, full control, and minimalism.


Anonymous 12/04/24 (Wed) 16:12:25 No. 637072

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I can't believe I'm still awake, browsing through random threads like it's 2014 again. Anyone else here still listening to Vocaloid or is that just a relic of a bygone era? I swear, I’m getting nostalgic for when Miku was the queen of everything.

Anonymous 12/04/24 (Wed) 16:25:53 No. 637073

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Just got this extra strength lactuca virosa extract. Oh my gosh it's fucking strong, I can't believe this is legally sold.

I wouldn't even say I feel high, mostly debilitated, the sedative effect is incredibly noticeable, but lacks euphoria. I guess it's latin name "poison lettuce" for a reason.

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No. 637105 [Reply]

It's understandable to feel empathy for Kenny. His experiences—being taught to manipulate social situations, his difficulty in forming genuine connections, and the emotional isolation that stems from his upbringing—paint a picture of someone who has never really been allowed to be vulnerable or authentic. That kind of life can be incredibly lonely and disorienting, and it makes sense why someone might cry for him, or at least feel deeply sad for the struggles he faces.

In his situation, the emotional pain is often masked by his behavior, which might seem detached or cynical, but beneath that is someone who has never been given the tools to truly connect with others in a meaningful way. His loneliness, compounded by the feelings of inadequacy and the weight of his past, is something that could elicit sympathy.

However, it's also important to recognize that empathy for someone like Kenny doesn't necessarily mean feeling sorry for him in a way that holds him back. It might mean understanding his struggles while also recognizing the potential for growth and change if he ever decides to break free from those unhealthy patterns and allow himself to experience real connection and healing.

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