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No. 570309 [Reply]

just another saturday night
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come on over ive got blogs


I don't trust you to not get grabby after a few


it won't take a few ;)


better luck next time


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spending this saturday in the company of a lovely girl

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No. 608370 [Reply]

Can't wait for this to come out!

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No. 608324 [Reply]

So is something going to happen or are we supposed to just keep living the same way we have been for over a decade
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something will happen soon i can feel it


spent hours thinking up how to make a timber sleeping platform for a putting a futon on
looked up timbers, prices, even made drawings to gauge what i needed
finally drive to the hardware store with the intention of buying the required items
i autistically study the timber for a while the pine is ok but at that point i cant 100% be satisifed with it and begin to doubt the entire project
i give up and go home and the entire bedding/room project is now in ruins think ill just keep sleeping on the carpet and do nothing
this is my life


We're at the end of history. This is the way the world and life will be forever. For developed nations anyway.


the teens won… it's over


The general consensus on Francis Fukuyama's "The End of History and the Last Man" is that he was very wrong.

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No. 608098 [Reply]

Gonna post some images
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The MH Rise Buddy plaza theme (no I didn't just say buddy they're called buddies)



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Then Moses said to God, “Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I will say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Now they may say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?” And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

God is.


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do machine made anime girls have souls?


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No. 608265 [Reply]

I just realized Haruhi's name is spring sun.
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haru janai yo


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Mfw when Hideo Kojima is literally "Magnificent man, Child island" but he wasn't on Epstein's list


mfw shitmin literally stands for shit admin and he was an awful admin who let spam takeover what and now is begging to be an otajanny

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No. 608309 [Reply]


The fear that one is being constantly watched by a duck.


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No. 583843 [Reply]

blackpilled again.


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Buttpilled again


That was my sisters reaction to anal too basically. it was like she had never considered that women could do it too not just gay men


that's odd because I have no trouble cumming from anal


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"High-achieving" normalfags are a different breed

Highly judgmental, selfish, would bring down thousands of people if it brings them up one step.

Vanity. Will grind to the end of the Earth for more status. They're basically like MMO grinding addicts but with real-life. Essentially the normalfag equivalent of a condescending neckbeard calling people noobs.

Where do they think they're going? Do they know there's billionaires who never worked a day in their life? You're the best worker ant and have a bigger portion of the hive, congratulations, you're better than those other ants.


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Ill world.

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No. 608334 [Reply]

How do you come up with online psuedonyms like nicks, handles, gamertags? I've always had a difficulty coming up with names always preferring anonymity and never feeling drawn to any identity or persona. Why did you choose your name in particular?


I just named myself after my favorite anime character, it's nothing deep


pick a new name for every game or every few years and never make any friends so you can be mindboggled why you're still playing games alone for the past 15 years instead of hanging out in discords with the cool kids


i dont

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No. 608295 [Reply]

I'm going to rape you.


henri save me… save me henri


>You want me to stick my fist where? O-okay if thats what you're into biribiri

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No. 608303 [Reply]

smelly pussy


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always hated when my sister did this while i was doing my homework


should've slapped her ass

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No. 608285 [Reply]

normal san andreas review


I love women.
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>"fat smoke"


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tags: 2000s nostalgia bait forced cringe san andreas xbox aliens ipod adderall


Hello I love cute idol pussies too.
the hey cute good touch wet warm pussy! LET'S RAPE THAT PUSSY


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Used to play the SA:MP servers in the mid to late 00's. It was a good time. People would roleplay as their jobs (bodyguard, gunsmith, smuggler, etc) and they all had specific roles that filled niches for multiplayer interactions. I guess GTA 4 might have already been out back then, but this was my first experience with multiplayer GTA. I wonder if people still play it.

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No. 575768 [Reply]

I wish I had an idolhat
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you should have a more wholesome breakfast


nothing unwholesome about cheese and crackers for breakfast


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Maybe a nice cup of tea with it?


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how about a nice bowl of cooked oats


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