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No. 552892 [Reply]

64 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


p is for pussy


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rina is so precious



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why is it untitled

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No. 622872 [Reply]

why did the norms mandela effect blink 182 into being an emo band when they're pop punk and act like they're one of the best acts to ever exist?
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All the, small things
True care, truth brings
I'll take, one lift
Your ride, best trip

Always, I know
You'll be at my show
Watching, waiting

Say it ain't so
I will not go
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Remember that one time ota sipped for rynker belle


big bum


shes waiting for you to breed her


im a migtow bulldog so she will have to wait

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No. 622577 [Reply]

Post your ota face or get out
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Me when I see all the little otaboy peepees


wish i had a unconfident doormat big booby gf like yumyum




Then there's this faggot square enix


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No. 625250 [Reply]

the ota show is back


havent they milked it enough


From my experience, only the horniest but also most vanilla weebs like this girl


wheres the new season of galaxy angel




Still charging me rent is theft

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No. 635904 [Reply]

Absolutely ravaged my pants with a colossal shit
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gave birth to 12lbs of lasagna yesterday thought my bhole would rip and i had to plunge it 3 times but when it was over i felt a few years younger




thank you for the oppaiussy sex little missy


Pooped myself then diarrhea'd shit up my ass


She is a slutty loli there should be more like her

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No. 635886 [Reply]

Told my dad about hololive and he beat the shit out of me.
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mom called me pathetic and said she's going to beat the shit of me.


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tell em about type moon next


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Hololive saves women from suicide so they can also become vtuber leeches upon society.


someone said on my last post here that i was the 5'6 lncel and that is me i just want out of this blackpill i cant leave help me i fucking hate myself for thinking like this. one day im a super hopeless romantic and the next i feel shame for that i hate myself please help me i beg you it has ruined my mental health i wish i never got those looksmaxxing tiktoks and never went on looksmax.org it all started from the redpill content that evolved into the blackpill somebody save me. if anyone you know is getting into looksmaxxing please dont let them discover the blackpill please i beg


maybe you should try growing up (vertically)

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No. 577849 [Reply]

6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


portal gun yourself some pussy


pie means foot in spanish


panocha means pussy in Spanish


dat ass doe



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No. 635855 [Reply]

DESU (desu desu desu) DESU (desu desu desu) DESU (desu desu desu) DESU DESU DESU DESU


another quality day on ota


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today is mya
yesterday was nya


sexy baby DESU pussy

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No. 635791 [Reply]

I can't believe that in all my years I never thought of this before, but if you commit suicide and donate your organs then it's not a sin. They say that (well never mind the Bible never really directly condemns suicide), but that it's a sin because of the sixth commandment, "Thou shall not kill" and that suicide falls under "kill"ing yourself. Plus some other reasons.
But when someone commits what would be suicide to save others it isn't a sin, it becomes noble sacrifice. Like a man who throws himself on top of a grenade to save his comrades, or most notably, Jesus Christ himself, who went willingly to his death but is obviously sinless for this, as he died in an act of self-sacrifice.
As it says
John 15:13
>Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends

The body was too long.
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whys she touching it


I mean, yeah that's true, I sure wouldn't want my clean and pristine organs to go to some norm who wasted his own organs getting drunk and norming it up. But on the other hand, people and God won't see it that way they'll just see the altruism, and it won't matter to you because you'll be dead anyway. And your organ might not go to a norm.
I'm reminded of this story from a while back about this bad kid that got a whole bunch of attention to get a heart transplant and then he got it and like a couple years later he died in a police chase after he robbed and shot an old lady. I don't want to get banned again so I won't risk trying to post a link but his name was Anthony Stokes.

>I don't think God minds suicide. If it didn't want you to die then why did he give you a life not worth living to begin with?

I don't really think so either, but better safe than sorry, eternal hellfire vs hoping God doesn't actually care about suicide is a very lopsided risk, I would say.


with my luck id be reincarnated as a low cast pajeet
i mean thats pretty much hell isnt it


No, if God is actually against it he will see you trying to game the system by roping and hoping your organs get reused.

Why are so people weird with religion and trying to outsmart a God? Look at the friends and their PREDICTABLE tactics to get around the rules of their religion, as if God wouldn't be sitting there watching it and waiting to have them punished accordingly.
You can't even outsmart me, and imageboard admin, what chance would you have against a creator deity?


It's not really outsmarting the system though. It's within system lines. It's not sneaky, I mean maybe if there was no precedent it would be dubious, but there is. Suicide for the sake of itself is bad, but it certainly isn't if it's in service of self sacrifice.
Something like suicide by cop is trying to outsmart the system. Kinda like how in 17th century and 18th century Europe suicidal people would kill babies in order to get capital punishment but because the babies are innocent they go to Heaven even if the are killed so it apparently doesn't count as a sin because of that (not sure how that negated them killing someone though)

By the way, what you say reminds me the other day a random friend made me open his car in his yard so he could get his drink out of the cupholder because apparently they're not allowed to open car doors I guess. I thought I was gonna get jumped or abducted or something. But he just wanted me to open the door.

I didn't see this post before and I don't feel like bumping this back up so…

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No. 569577 [Reply]

get fucking owned faggots
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should've asked for a blow job


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ota is a freaking joudan


im solder…


did he died

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No. 561148 [Reply]

keep minority spirit
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thank you for trying to make sure it stays up unnoticed on page 2 forever thatll show the oatman for only checking the top of page 1 every couple days


shut up shut up shut up


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My only complaint is that having a 16" screen in native 1440p is a kind of PREDICTABLE. Sometimes I can barely read anything but I am not going to scale down because tbh nobody would. The payoff is that text looks so crisp and clear especially in terminal windows.


something about pussies


everything about pussies

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No. 571680 [Reply]

Say hello to the new king of comedy!
42 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


dont miss that freak glad that the fbi finally chemically neutered him


I like touhou and shabs


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Remind me to bump this thread in five months there is something I want to show you.


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Oh he's dead alright. This was his last post.


I am an incomparable homo

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