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File: 1724768769774.png (1.85 MB, 2422x3774, illust_114402925_20240818_….png)

No. 630367 [Reply]

6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1724776997079.png (132.96 KB, 1221x802, 2024-08-27-123632_2560x144….png)

Simplified it down to just 40 LoC, and fixed a bug with the vid count (de-duplicated the video array with set())

I don't think it gets any simpler or more readable than this. I've wrote a lot of "parse HTML" scripts over the years, which is generally considered a bad thing to do (the website can change the HTML at any time breaking your script), and I've looked at other people's code trying to do the same and it's always hundreds or thousands of lines of insane retarded shit.




open up that pussy baby


gay video
dont even know what that character is from


skibidi sigma

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No. 630192 [Reply]

Why does otamin refuse to come clean about the aliens?
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Are you trying to imply that aliens aren't real? You retarded?


As a large language model, I don’t imply things in the same way humans do because my responses are generated based on patterns and data from text rather than personal intuition or context.


You calling me gay?


otamin is hiding henri in area 51


a woman sat near me my cel aura is in decline

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No. 589598 [Reply]

pussies that are wet because they made themselves wet
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owgirls pussy makes some PREDICTABLE schlorping sounds when it gets wet its pretty cool


Stop talking about my gf


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Just got out of an Overwatch game

One teammate was quite the comedian, someone said "what would Jesus do?", "Idk send bears to help or something"

The new character Juno is very attractive and has well-defined ass cheeks on her in-game model, and somehow a voice line that says "uhhh Junoo cumming" in a suggestive manner.

Bizarre how far they swung the pendulum, after their last character that ugly they/them hobo Venture.



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No. 630380 [Reply]

Where's dubya when we need him?



Together or not together


File: 1724772568212.jpg (144.37 KB, 1920x1080, [anon] The iDOLM@STER Cind….jpg)

No. 630374 [Reply]

Hey hey little girly, you should know better than to come to a place like this at night alone.


File: 1724773140423.jpg (317.93 KB, 1920x1080, 1724414092450.jpg)

uh why are you watching im@s in 2024 a franchise rendered obsolete by love lives

also did you know that 149 in unicode is ʼn


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File: 1723566958406.jpg (148.31 KB, 473x694, rikka konkon.jpg)

No. 628701 [Reply]

>Play Rikka Konkon card
>No one at the duel sesh understands it
>Call Yugioh hotline
>We start arguing with the operator who sounds like Comic Book Guy
>So-called friend takes the card and opens the door
>Get on the floor
>Everybody walk the dinosaur
18 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1723644010841.jpg (288.19 KB, 2048x947, 20240814_082302.jpg)

what did BB mean by this?


i had to spend 1 sq to clear camelot because the pillar boss was filtering me and the loss sent me spiraling into despair


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Wow so otaku culture


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i will have enough for castoria when she comes back in a couple months


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No. 630319 [Reply]

skibidi desu ne


File: 1724715976022.jpg (109.45 KB, 550x790, 1699155146566233.jpg)

I correctly predicted the brainrot speak meme's peak and fall

I've seen the same pattern before with all FotM memes

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No. 571493 [Reply]

I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
I just need to get through this week
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip


sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girlpussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl pussies sweaty girl


the butt goes pop and the pop comes out
the butt goes pop and the pop comes out
the butt goes pop and the pop comes out
the butt goes pop and the pop comes out
the butt goes pop and the pop comes out
the butt goes pop and the pop comes out
the butt goes pop and the pop comes out

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No. 625761 [Reply]

Gamer thread
151 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


why are there so many men


i got unlucky rolls


its okay ota is a lgbtqip2sa+ safe space youre with friends now


hope that l means lolicon cause sitonai ilya has some pretty great artwork


it stands for lesbian

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No. 630182 [Reply]

which holo is secretly supporting trump's presidential campaign


I can't believe twappy let 2 coreans sing her song

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No. 591519 [Reply]

good morning i love women
11 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


my friends are on mindota


but im not :c





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No. 627942 [Reply]

This is what the kikes took from you
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i give back


feel like the quality plummeted in ep 6


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