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On Your Mark (Studio Ghibli), a beautiful music video, available on alt-tech platforms and not Youtube! No.586693
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Just finished Numbers, the fourth book in the Bible (the first five are the Torah written by Moses).
Basically I'm already past the most controversial points in the Bible, and they became a lot less questionable to me in context.
For example the guy killed for working on the Sabbath. This comes directly after passages about unintentionally breaking the law as opposed to intentionally breaking the law. Perhaps this man has been told before not to work on the Sabbath, but kept doing it. This man was taken out of Egypt and witnessed many miraculous signs preformed by God, who was currently living amongst them. So anyone disobeying God's rules here really has no excuse.
Furthermore Moses and Aaron didn't even know what to do with him, they waited for God's orders to kill him, perhaps it wasn't only punishment for working on the sabbath.
What about killing the Midianites? Well, they caused many Israelites to "play the harlot" with pagan Gods, which obviously made God angry, who sent a plague for it. God just said "be hostile to them", and when conquering lands to expel people completely but not necessarily kill. Moses was the one who wanted to kill everyone (except virgin girls), which they didn't even do, Moses was mad they _didn't_ do this.
See the rules were really strict for these people because God was living among them, and showed them miraculous signs, so there was no excuse and God wanted a holy people in his company (they fell short of this of course, and complained about damn near everything, like getting bored of eating manna).
These people had to be holy, conquer Canaan, and establish Judaism, because if they didn't the world would never know the true God, and be stuck with pagan cults.
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Nice skybox nice track (At Dawn)
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Found this on one of the Pokémon games I purchased from Japan.
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Stop stalking me on /v/
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Mt. Fuji
These type of trees seem to love the red volcanic soil, almost like natural bonsai trees, nice job God.
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my gf (sister) is a Gamer
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>>587793*Snap* Yep. This one's going in my creamy compilation.
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house so old the timber cladding has rotted/decayed in place
wonder how old it is, would guess 1960s at least
interesting area with lots of authentic showa era (at a guess) dwellings
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>>587832Why are we so derelict compared to the 1800s?
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Average 19th century man, notice the absolute aesthetic taste of the architecture, decor, and clothing.
Meanwhile you live in a cardboard house with plastic siding.
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My gf plays "Time" from Persona 3 on piano, one of the best tracks in the game and such a beautiful piano rendition. No.595091
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>>595087Sorry, my fiancée