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No. 631451 [Reply]

FACT: Nobody under the age of 40 cares about the Slayers franchise. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that only people who were into anime and Japanese games before the year 2000 are extensively familiar with it. GO TO BED, GRANDAD!!!
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Actually it's called Macross and Mach GoGoGo.




those are different shows retard


No they're not, that's like saying Pocket Monsters and Pokemon are different shows


uh no

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No. 631519 [Reply]

why do the mods ignore my reports? are they that lazy?

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No. 631471 [Reply]

>not ota


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the owgirl went to the hair salon and the owner recognized her description of me and said i was a beautiful male and we will have pretty offspring


need to go back to the salon so i can have the stylist do the head massage thingy again

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No. 608459 [Reply]

15 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Hello I love cute idol pussies too.
the hey cute good touch wet warm pussy! LET'S RAPE THAT PUSSY


This image is really making me want to have sex with a dumb yumejo



love raping pussies even if they cry and ask you to stop


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No. 631383 [Reply]

<Anonymous> ">If I see the piece of shit who pretends to care about kissu talk about how I should keep it running …" have you considered that I've read this and don't want to do it -@Kissu
<Anonymous> shocking you know. -@Kissu
<Anonymous> i mean i don't get why
<Anonymous> why do i have to explain every thing. I'm just not -@Kissu
<Anonymous> and I'm too tired to care to explain -@Kissu
<Anonymous> there. Deal with it. -@Kissu
<Anonymous> i mean i don't get why it's not for the best to leave it to someone else to find out why it doesn't work
<Anonymous> and then concur with you
<Anonymous> instead of just letting people blame you
<Anonymous> i told you. I'm tired of explaining anything. Stop talking -@Kissu
<Anonymous> explaining things is worthless -@Kissu
<Anonymous> I'm just doing things from now on. -@Kissu
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Well one of them is the Simpsons spammer who has been a chronic shitp0ster for like 10 years posting unhinged Indian-Jokar-tier shit from his mobile telephone.

hee hee hee hoo hoo ha you've been gnomed! pussy pussy pussy LOL *posts picture of shitty hentai or Homer Simpson smoking weed*

Like how much are you meant to tolerate? I think you can tolerate a little but what if they start making new threads and bumping the shittiest old threads until the entire front page is that? I think there's a very fine line with moderation that literally no one gets perfectly right, not even myself.


rather than replying and discussing this boring fun post in my trujp shinsei kamattechan thread


he left before the best hagstream…


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remember when noko posted on 4/jp/ and nsj deleted his thread?


no but always hated him so it doesnt surprise me

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No. 631441 [Reply]

sika sika sika nokotan kono nokosan  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVHovAPo6R0


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im like noko except im not cool or popular or talented or have friends but at least i have my arm scars pleaseforgivemyrudeness


what they didn't have iPhones in japan in 2014?

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No. 631398 [Reply]




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No. 631406 [Reply]



visiting china is kinda annoying its basically a cashless society everyone uses like wepay and you cant open an account as a foreigner lots of places simply wont accept cash but bigger places are obliged to so you spend hours looking for an atm and it only gives out 50 yuan notes but everything is dirt cheap so the cashiers get angry when you pay with them


lol funni oomi

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No. 572698 [Reply]







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THE 卍組



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No. 631355 [Reply]

Why would they teach bullshit American propaganda in Japanese schools?
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I learn so much about life and the world from whatmin, thanks Dad.


trying too hard you arent fooling anyone schizmin


hi can either of you post snatchy


google says that snatch means pussy so no youll have to go to /2d/


you'll have to go back to your own country thirdie

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No. 631366 [Reply]

uh oh


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holy shit is that an EVANGELION REFERENCE??? :O

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No. 631285 [Reply]

I wanna get something like an ampoule surgically implanted into my stomach or some organ like near my abdomen containing poison so that if I ever get framed and arrested or have to go to jail for life I can kill myself easily just grab my gut and break off the ampoule. Might hurt a bit but I'll always have an out. Glass is inert right? Your body isn't going to react with it. Also hydrochloric acid isn't going to break it down either. I can't think of any other ideas.
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a motorcycle outlaw


>damn he had too much ram and didn't have any cp on his computer after all, lets just plant some on it anyway or maybe some drugs or something, we'll look dumb if we come out of this empty handed


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Who the fuck are you quoting?


schizophrenia aka the dan man


dani is more about remote mind control via electromagnetic waves which why he builds faraday cages in his room

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