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No. 590055 [Reply]

bros he's making a new phantasmagoria
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what's the point? no one here has friends to play with


thought about how if i was born in japan i would have friends in a doujin circle to play touhou and other games with but then realized i was doomed to be an antisocial tard either way since i cant even be friends with extroverted westerners


I have friends but I have no interest in multiplayer games


i have multiplayer games but i have no interest in friends



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No. 590130 [Reply]

i need more teeth drilled
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brush and floss every day so i dont end up like teio


you need to take care of your chomp chomp henris


take care of your chomp chomp henris or they will turn into glub glub trevors


sigh hate glub glub trevors



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No. 590195 [Reply]

Miku is back after a long hiatus!

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No. 577501 [Reply]

pussy (✿ ≖⁀≖)
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wonder when the new railgun season will be announced


still haven't watched the last one
why is kuroko in a wheelchair again i forgot


too many cums made her legs weak


big girls have pussies


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the pussies

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No. 590147 [Reply]

do you like memes ota

also what's your favorite meme


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The heckin memes

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No. 590133 [Reply]

h… e… n… r…


dont u dare

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No. 590081 [Reply]

Sup dude want to take one of these pills?
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no and get that cigarette out of my face burnout slag


Could not identify with that normime


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Crocs are for autistics where you're from? Haha it's not like that in Poccnr I just wear them cause they're comfortable


do they still sell those faggot ass little croc pegs


Wish Haruko would appear in my home and then take me to space with her

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No. 590022 [Reply]

God flooded the world because he said humans were a mistake.

I'm just an overgrown ape sitting on a computer drinking coca-cola and alcohol. Both ape and alcohol designed by creator, yet I am made in his image.

Perhaps one day I may be more, but for now I'm just an ape.
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ryou and kita are probably nonvirg but nijika definitely seems like a virg


Weird to think that girls want us to put a part of our bodies inside of their bodies


not me


shes just like me, except im terrified of chadettes instead


When I was a teenbro a woman that looked to be in her early 20s in the insurance office came up and said hello and stuck her leg in between mine and nudged my inner thigh and my brain froze can only imagine the same would happen to Hitori except she'd get flipped instead of laughed at after she left

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No. 590012 [Reply]

>reported pedo
>Die pedo
>Hope you get caught pedo
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peace between otachis and kinpatsu youjo


i wouldn't love little girls if they stopped being so dang sexy


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not easy being cheesy


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No. 571672 [Reply]

Does anyone want to play splatoon wth me
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post your nintendo friend code




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kids love squids


i bought it back in novemeber played for like a month and then haven't touched it since like mid-december
sigh there should have been a demo or something


splatoon 3 feels like its been out forever but the hima exodus was before it released hard to imagine i was still playing 2 at the time

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No. 589852 [Reply]

It's a hot summer morning in Japan. You wake up and step outside for a smoke and then the girl who lives next door and is also a sixth grader comes out. How long is your sentence going to be if you plead guilty?
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Let's rape that girl.


im standing on the balcony, shirtless, ripped, in just my grey sweatpants no underwear, my manhood casting an impressive outline, i take that first long drag on my hand rolled cigarette
nothing quite like the first one of the day. i feel the nicotine spread through my body and my senses come alive
i look to my right an notice the young neighbor girl having a cheeky mire as she puts out the recycling, i give her my best seductive grin and a good morning
shes wearing a loose tshirt barely covering her well developed tits, i can see her nipples through the thin fabric, she turns around and bends over to tie the bag and the shirt rides up a bit
i can see her panties, a fat lip almost bulging out the side..she goes downstairs to place it in the bin, her luscious black hair gently swinging in the breeze

after she comes back up the stairs i say "im making iced coffee if you want some" and beckon her inside, she gives a coy smile and says yes please as she comes into my apartment..


I avoid eye contact and go back inside


yeah this feels more relatable


henri is that you

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No. 589867 [Reply]

cant stand these flippin teentubers

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