No. 634615 [Reply]
"Oh, by the way, Aqua, I had the cutest date with Pekora yesterday."
"A date? With Pekora? What do you mean, a date?"
"Yeah, we went to disneyland, she even picked out a matching keychain for both of us. So sweet, right? I guess we're just… really close now."
"Hmph, it's not like Shion's that special. We… I mean, I… could have done the same thing!"
"Oh, really? But she was so thoughtful! She even got us matching bunny ears to wear. It's like we're besties now."
[Aqua stammers with slurping abashed noises]
"See? I told you… you’re cute when you’re flustered."
"Enough… Shion."
"Oh? Getting serious all of a sudden, Aqua?"
[But before Shion can continue teasing, Aqua’s hands shoot out, pushing Shion down]
"You think you can keep messing with me like this?"
(startled, her eyes widening as Aqua pulls her closer): "Aqua…?"
(gritting her teeth, her face burning red but her resolve firm): "I’m done with your games." [Without hesitation, Aqua closes the gap and
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