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No. 564032 [Reply]

I feel like we've gained all we can from isolation, introspection and drugs so it may be time to start seeking knowledge from outside the human sphere by enlisting the aid of devils and other outer beings.
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Think it might make more sense to try and gain knowledge from other people and friends and stuff instead of things that don't exist druggie


I prayed to the devil once, I wanted a Sniper Rifle, A Gatling Gun and a Light-Saber. Didn't get any of them.


99.99% of the population is ignorant


Did you get demon friends to teach you stuff?


I don't know what I'm thinking when I post this crap

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No. 537073 [Reply]

You know my flavor I’m the real Vanilla Ice
To all my haters I’m a CEO
10k a day, Alicia Keys ain't gain nothing on me
I got kilos baby
I got my mansions and I got my lamborghinis
I’m the real bad jammer
Lady Gaga ain't got shit on me
I’m the real steh-
Natalie Portman is my baby, CEO goddess
I got my app, energize baby
Its a real Vanilla Ice, Ice Ice Baby
You’ve got my flavor
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Why was this guy popular again?


Drop it niggle!


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No. 546301 [Reply]

Funny faec lol
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bitch ass n i g g a


funny feces lol


Please stick it in me



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No. 585689 [Reply]

I kisse
the fishe
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burned my tuna


Yuri fishe


Whacking my sacky and packy to yuri princesse until everything smells fishe


It's キスの日!


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dont make me get out the spray bottle again

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No. 548400 [Reply]

Why is communication in real life so much more difficult than on the internet
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I became a weird isolated mentally ill old man


i like animals since they're easier to communicate with than real people. wish i had a nice kitsunebito friend like senko, then maybe i could get enough practice to talk to full fledged humans


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You ever have a misunderstanding with a female and you can see the twitter post writing itself in her eyes


I had a birdie and it wouldn't listen to a thing I said no matter what.

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No. 581510 [Reply]

2013 was 10 years ago
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us? Who's us?
I see pussy all the time during family bathtime with mom and my aunts


What about grandma?


She lives too far away….


not love live


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No. 591187 [Reply]

I bought another gun
My killing power has increased
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I own a high-powered assault rifle, I own a 12-gauge double barrel shotgun, I own a regular shotgun, I own a regular hunting rifle, I own a 9mm, a 357, a 45 handgun, a 38 special, and, erm… I own an m-16 fully automatic ground assault rifle…


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miriota are scary


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Happy Saint Elliot's Day Ota!!

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No. 591493 [Reply]

The norms always go on about a "support network" for hard times but all of my family members are sad and frequently talk about wanting to die and all of the internet people I know are sad and want to die and lots have substance addictions and everything is reclining is there anyone that is still happy in this world
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loved playing with dolls as a kid is it any surprise i ended up continuing buying dolls into adulthood


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Evolutionary psychology is possibly the most stupid thing currently believed that has any sort of perceived scientific authority.

Evolution as a whole is the modern day equivalent of medieval scientists saying everything revolves around the Earth, and being absolutely sure of it because of the scientific evidence they observe.

Well, everything does rotate around us.

Well, these bones seem like they could've evolved into those bones.

Honestly the first belief is even less stupid, and the latter is the genuine actual belief of many people today, it's not even an over-simplified statement, there's nothing else to add, they unironically believe that with no other evidence at all, just looking at the bones and making a baseless assumption.


Aren't you the one with the belief that there is a magical man in the sky who created us in his image? How is that more logical?


The difference is there's no campaign to brainwash the masses into thinking it's scientific.


i used to have one of these
its my moms now i think she might play with it sometimes

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No. 590550 [Reply]

>Please excuse my poor English when windows 10 tries to make me to download theyre shitty update
>mfw leave computer on for a month without turning it off so i dont install there shitty update
>Please excuse my poor English audio starts cutting in and out and the only way to fix it is restarding
why is this shitty company have a monopoly on the computers market again?
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Linus Tech Tips had a video on this

TLDW it's pretty hard to damage components like that, I just touch something metal


I tried it (Ubuntu). Proton is cool, it really is as easy as installing a game the same way you would on Windows. Path of Exile ran excellently, although I had some screen tearing in one zone that didn't appear anywhere else that I tested. I wasn't in the mood to fiddle with the settings or try different versions of Proton so I moved on to some other games, which all ran perfectly with no screen tearing. Thank you buttmin.


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summer is coming so you'll have to do that anyways to beat the heat


I drew the line when win7 support ended and never looked back. Gaming is better on console anyways but if you say that on an imageboard, all the poor autistic neets flip their shit

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No. 547272 [Reply]

uuu! uuuuu uu!
uuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuu!!
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i do this






retard noises


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No. 591489 [Reply]



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>buy something or get the fuck out

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No. 591464 [Reply]

me vs the norms


your head is bleed profusely you don't look like youre winning


the norms always win because the winners decide whats normal


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John Stalvern waited. The lights of his rectangle blinked and sparkled. There were norms in the house. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to his mom were not listened to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was an imageboard enthusiast for sixteen years. When he was young he watched the monitors and he said to dad "I want to post on the forums daddy."
Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY NORMS"
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got older he stopped. But now in his neet hovel he knew there were norms.
"fried up some dogs" - a text from mom downstairs. "you must come out once in a while to eat with me and my friends!"
So John gotted his walmart wood chopping axe and charged through the door and down the stairs.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" screamed the norms
"I will call the cops" said the cybernorm and he took out his normphone. John lunged at him and tried to axe him up but was pathetically weak. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the norms" he shouted
Then mom cried "No, John. You are the norm"
And then John was a norm.

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