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No. 578901 [Reply]

If only Sean was here…
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Every time I try this I realize after cleaning up the house and yard and finishing a few small projects I have nothing else to do with my time but rot away on the internet.


wish i owned a house and a yard die flipping richnorm just die


I don't own any of it I am a mere serf for a man that lives in a very large house a mile away


dad does the yardwork since i do the house chores


like a boss

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No. 547466 [Reply]

Well, it's a good day. I have a good day today. And we'll take a quick moment for you to join us in the chat box. Welcome back to the show. I am your host and your best friend. I have a lot of fun today. This is the podcast that makes you a hero. But I don't know if that's a good thing. I don't know if that's a good thing. But I know that the listenership is strong and I want to thank you for helping keep this thing going. It's just a fun show. So I'm gonna throw a lot of you some new questions this hour. So I just want to thank you guys. I don't know if you guys are feeling the love. I'm not feeling the love. It's gonna get a little emotional when I'm on this show. So this is going to be good.

You know what. I'm gonna have to do some more research on that because I think the people I have to talk to about that are like really pissed off. But hey, we have a lot of new questions this hour. So we'll get to the questions. Let's get started. It is Tuesday, January the 8th, 2018. I'm your host and your best friend Bill Burr. Thank you guys so much for helping to keep this going. It is the greatest day of my life. I've been here since the beginning. It's like having your parents be your parents. I've always enjoyed it and this is the biggest year in the history of the show. This is the year I have my own show. It's the year I get my own office. I'm a big kid. I'm not gonna lie. I'm a big kid. I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm not nervous. I'm excited. I don't know. I'm just excited. I'm just gonna have a lot of fun this year.
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The G-Shower works in a simple manner: The person on the other end of the phone call has a microphone attached to their phone that picks up sound from the person in the shower. Then the person in the shower can speak and the person on the other end can listen. The sound is then played through a speaker on the phone.

This video shows a G-Shower in use.

The G-Shower's creators say that this allows people who have trouble taking a shower to make phone calls while they are in the shower, without anyone else hearing what they are saying. The G-Shower is meant to work with most phones, including the iPhone.

The G-Shower comes in two versions. The original G-Shower, which was developed by a company called Zound, has a speaker on the wall of the shower, and the microphone is on a plastic cover on the wall.

The G-Shower Plus, which was developed by a company called The Zounds, uses the same microphone and speaker setup, but the plastic cover has been replaced by a larger plastic cover with a handle on the top.

There is also a version called the G-Shower Lite that is not waterproof and doesn't have the microphone and speaker setup.

Zounds says the G-Shower will be available in late April. They are selling the original G-Shower for $49.99 and the G-Shower Plus for $59.99.


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I can't believe that this is the first time I've ever seen someone do this. I'm not surprised, but still.

A guy in Australia has a similar device, except it has two built-in speakers and a microphone. You can hear the person in the shower on the phone. You can also use the microphone to speak to the person. I've seen a demonstration of it before. I think it's called the G-Shower Lite.

This is the second time I've seen a video of a G-Shower in use. I remember seeing one that was made for the people who can't walk very far. The person on the phone talks into a microphone, and the person in the shower speaks into a speaker.

The G-Shower seems to be a very popular device. The G-Shower Plus has been selling well, and is still selling. There are reviews of the G-Shower Plus, like this one. The device has a rating of 4.3 stars. There are over 1,500 reviews of the device on Amazon. The G-Shower Plus has been available for $59.99 since late January, but it has been selling for $99.99 since mid-February.

The original G-Shower is no longer sold. It has been replaced by the G-Shower Plus. I haven't seen any information about the original G-Shower being discontinued.

One other person has a device that looks like the G-Shower. This is a video of a guy using it.


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It seems like there are many different ways to talk to someone while you're in the shower. There are a few different models of G-Showers, but the main difference seems to be how many speakers the device has.

I wonder if any of the G-Shower models will be waterproof. I don't think there is a version that is waterproof, but it would be nice if the device could be made waterproof. That would be very handy. I would want to use a G-Shower in the shower if it was waterproof.

There are a lot of other things you can do while you're in the shower, and that's great. It's one of the most relaxing things that you can do. You can read a book or watch TV. You can use a mirror to check out your body.

I can't wait to try out the G-Shower. It seems like it will be a great way to make phone calls in the shower.

The G-Shower was announced in February. It's a shower phone, but it's different from the other shower phones that have been invented. The G-Shower allows the person to talk on the phone while they're in the shower.


Drop it niggle!


so many words

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No. 578909 [Reply]

being bullied by girls is not as fun as portrayed I know


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she looks like chika

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No. 578896 [Reply]

shitted showered shitted might be time for round two

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No. 535696 [Reply]

Have you taken a look at some of your less active boards, otaman? There's literal child porn up in them for weeks. Your site is going to get taken down for hosting it, retard.
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It doesn't actually qualify they look like they're 25 year old crackwhores, but yeah it should be deleted anyway




well well well


well what


would you look at the time


it's morbin time Please forgive my rudeness

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No. 578843 [Reply]

Game Awards is happening in 10 minutes.

Any gamers here want to talk about it?

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New Final Fantasy 16 trailer

Did you know they said they wouldn't add black people?

Yeah, westerner journalists complained, but they said black people would compromise the setting and narrative.

Such a huge breath of fresh air, I am getting nog fatigue from every western game shown.


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>Elden Ring wins GoTY

"I want to nominate this award to my reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton"



Instead of abusing the quote feature to teenpost, how about answering my question?


havent played a final fantasy since final fantasy 5 on the gba. now that was a damn good rpg


norm awards

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No. 576039 [Reply]

its skookum
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No, also stop calling me henrimin.
I hated henri.



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they keep showing these two sluts in the bathroom


See >>576041
I'd really like an answer.


Wait… we're in the BASED timeline?

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No. 554722 [Reply]

dont like being reminded that other people shite
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Kys gaslighting norm


seethe more failednorm


>LE EQAIN SEEETHE LEEEEL XXXPlease forgive my rudenessDDDD


Is there literally any male better looking than Francisco Lachowski?

And I'm not talking about 2007 Chico with autistic photos on his Myspace, I'm not talking about 2008 Francisco who won the Ford Men's Supermodel of the World in São Paulo and then won a Ford modelling contract and worked for Dior Homme, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, DSquared, Gucci, Cavalli, Armani and others, I'm not talking about 2016 post-prime bearded Chico with two kids and married with Jessiann Gravel Beland, hell, I'm talking about 2010 Francisco with perfect facial harmony and universal appeal, 6'3" tall with perfect frame and bideltoid breadth, completely hooded eyes with aegyo sal and neutral canthal tilt with no scleral show and no upper eyelid exposure, flawless skin and perfect facial leanness, 1.88 fwhr, 0 on the NW scale, 7 cm interpupillary distance and 14.2cm of zygo width, forward grown maxilla and jawline with a massive skull.


I like to POOP

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No. 544967 [Reply]

I got a bogo coupon for funny honey wanna tag along?

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I'll just stay here until big O comes back to maul that cockroach.


funny honey for my grumbly tummy yummy


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Went for a run for the first time since I sprained my toe and the toukai teio song played but i had to stop jogging because i was too tired and didn't want to hurt myself again and thought of the funny time where teio had to walk while everyone was running so she didn't hurt herself more. think im going to keep taping my toe for another week or so to be safe even though its probably fine


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bumping this gem


go back

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No. 552646 [Reply]

What's wrong, Ota?
Did you lose it? Your drill?
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Don't bully me.


I was raised by a single mother. I never had a drill.


Wish I was a loud extroverted arrogant norm instead of the meek manbaby I was formed into


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No. 537090 [Reply]

ill show them im going to get huge
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i wanted to grow up to be a cute girl




they said a cute girl


yeah a guy wanted to be tranny

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No. 578800 [Reply]

dungeon master

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