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No. 623055 [Reply]

Girls are cutest when theyre almost retarded.


Wish i had a zoomer gf


The age gap fearmongering norms make a big deal saying you won't be able to identify with them but the reality is I can't identify with girls of my own age either so it doesn't really matter


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Would you?


The womanbaby



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No. 622951 [Reply]

How come of the supposed millions of species we've pushed into extinction not a single one of them developed consciousness as a way to adapt and survive?
15 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


stay put one day a girl will knock on your door just do not attempt to do anything in the meantime


Is there a courtship ritual or something I need to learn like this
Or will it be more like a deep sea thing since we are so rare and I bite onto her belly and she slowly absorbs my body


I found whatmins personal website


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Most autistic 403 page and filtering I've EVER seen

You are IP/domain banned
You have been referred from a site that has been blacklisted
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You were linked to this site from the Bing, Yahoo or DuckDuckGo search engine; these engines were determined to be inefficient due to negating a large
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Contact the email address above to appeal the ban with the webmaster.
Edit: The contact email has been disabled while attacks from Steam continue, therefore appeals on this site currently are not an option



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No. 622930 [Reply]

NieR Replicant OST - Repose (Seaside Lighthouse)


Someone post a calmjak, such a soothing song I just have no calmjaks saved, it's the only soyjak meme I like
7 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I like "Dumb"

I'm not like them
But I can pretend
The sun is gone
But I have a light
The day is done
But I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Or maybe just happy
Think I'm just happy
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Nooo!!! You can't just delete muh hecking 'jaks!!!!!!!


might game some nier


Marie Rose is so fuckin hawt



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No. 623018 [Reply]

They joke around at my job about me not talking to anyone and will do things at the end of the day like say "good talking with you" sarcastically and the office foid will come to my office and apologize in advance before introducing someone to me (its only ever people within the company I think they're embarrassed for the customers to see me). I know they don't like that I unplugged my phone but I can't help it I hate the phone and they're too scared to scold me for it because no one for a very long way has knowledge in the things I do and the officefoid warns people to not speak to me in the mornings because I suffer from morning whimsy. Also I like it when you have a big burp and open you throat and you feel it vibrate your esophagus on the way out and you can imagine being an elephant seal also I can't go a few minutes without daydreaming of suicide I google searched for something and a Gaia thread came up over what to do with a large sum of money and they were all talking about investment plans that take years upon years to build up but I can't foresee more than a few months at a time whenever I envision the future.
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love walking to the kitchen and having mom remind me that im a fat short ugly balding 30 year old loser with bad skin and no job that never exercises and she wonders why i prefer quick meals in the air fryer that take 3 seconds to prepare


Funny you post that because for a while when they first started they kept joking about me looking up porn on the computer probably because I angled the monitors away from the door


i imagine you do look up porn on the office computers


No I'm not a pervert



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No. 622983 [Reply]

Why is bump titties in my vocabulary meaning to fight

Apparently this is not as common as I thought

Like "you want to bump titties" meaning you want to fight, said by two guys. I think it was more popular in like the 90s or 80s or something and only really old motherfuckers said it. I haven't heard it used in several years.
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There are so many things attached to girls that I like but they so selfishly keep it all to themselves.


dont post that westshit aislop


Uh buttmin likes western fartists he'll back me up


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im a slopper i slip



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No. 623005 [Reply]

Did you guys see that gura stream last night she was dressed like such a skank it was awesome



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No. 588112 [Reply]

Ratmen: Assemble
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ratmen not roachmen slathering meat juices over their grotesque 300lb forms


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He's a big guy.


what a chad!



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No. 622844 [Reply]

tarded out and botched my suicide now im a literal tard
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My brother is a crybaby but I'm secretly envious of that I wish I could cry more often instead I only get one or so a year and it's only in the moment of extreme distress


im having a hard time trying to parse it


to parse what


parse sunken temple in wow



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No. 622937 [Reply]

Bros how does it feel to know that each and every single one of the women that you have ever seen in your life have farted and shitted a tremendous amount of times? Next time you see a thick woman outside, just remember that she FARTS every day. Just remember that SHIT comes out of her butt two times a day. Thick musty logs that smell. Do you want foreign poop in your toilet? Do you want to wake up to your girlfriend farting in your bed late at night? No? Than be happy that you are an hopeless romantic. Imagine what chads nose has been exposed to.


dont post that aislop


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never understood the big arse meme
seems like something pushed into popular culture by the juden



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No. 580712 [Reply]

Together, or not together. These are the last traces of those dreamlike days.


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Together, or not together. These are the last traces of those dreamlike days.






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I’m just the boy inside the man
Not exactly who you think I am
When I could only see the floor
You made my window a door
So when they say they don't believe, I hope that they see You in me
After all the lights go down, I'm just the words, You are the sound
A strange type of chemistry
How You've become a part of me




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No. 622904 [Reply]

One learns from a scholar in a hissy fit


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enjoying this tool album


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enjoying this garfield lasagna

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No. 540574 [Reply]

There's a Hundred thousand posts in this image board
You just name the thread…and I'm your guy.
You don't need to know the board.
You give a thread and a topic.
I give you a 5 minute Proxy window.
Anything that happens in that 5 minutes and I'm yours.
No matter the janny.
Anything happens a thread on either side of that and you're on your own.

Do you shikki shiggy diggy doo?

And you won't be able reach me on this VPN again.
27 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yeah? What did he say?


is it pronounced sean or sean?



seen bean?


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love a 1440p D-san post

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