So let's assume climate proxy data is real science, like trying to tell dates and temperatures from gas trapped in ice bubbles.
The Earth currently has a little over 400ppm CO2 levels
According to this data
1) Older periods like the Jurassic had 3000 to 9000ppm CO2 levels (wow the dinosaurs must have been driving a lot of SUVs)
2) Temperature rises happened first, and CO2 levels increased after, lagging behind
If atmospheric CO2 was the actual causative factor in temperature rises, we would see a linear increase with CO2 levels, and that's not what we see. The Jurassic would have been a hellscape like Venus.
CO2 is a relatively weak and insignificant greenhouse gas, it's far weaker than water vapor, yet it's claimed to be the
cause behind temperature rise, not just a correlation that goes with it.
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