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No. 642498 [Reply]


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No. 550629 [Reply]

Metroid Dread comes out today I pre-ordered it.

It's sort of like a new Metroidvania game.
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It just looks like modded MHW smh


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Dread is a weird game, it has the most frustrating and lame first half but feels really good once you're on a roll for where to go and can actually interact with a few things.


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smack that


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the guts are calling

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No. 634997 [Reply]

KYAAAAAAA ANON-KUN~~ >/////////////////< DOKI DOKI DESU NEEE!!!!!!!!!


wish i had a friend like hinata


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somebody BAN this 3DPD spamming FAGGOT



whoa… anime girls r real……………..

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No. 596192 [Reply]

Rate my end-game Dark Souls 2 build (pictured below)
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dad says not to throw bricks in glass houses


Playing through my first time and the Owl fight clicked for me after a few days and I won't say it was heart pounding but it felt like I had solved it in a way other Souls fights hadn't felt


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This is literally a kidney stone


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No. 593648 [Reply]

So what's up wid it ? You know the deal, it's that boy Ramiro,

So the other day while I was practicing my Capoeira, I was thinkin about this awesome party house in Jersey with tons of alcohol and hot sluts, that I used to drive up to when I was in highschool. It was actually a fraternity house, but the guys weren't skinny faggots that wear their shirts tucked in. Weid huh ? Any way, I said fuck the club and decided to go holla at some of my boyz from way back in the day.

I roll into the house with my posse, but something isn't right. I'm thinkin : where are the kegs, and more importantly, I can't see a single descent girl. Just then, this little dweeb starts scopin me, then comes up and asks me who I am. My boy Roberto goes "Are u fucking serious ?! You're talking to Ramiro a.k.a the BO$$ of Jersey." Then the kid (who had a striking resemblance to Ferguson from Clarissa Explains It All) says something like ' Please don't take any personal offense to this, but this house belongs to the ota brotherhood, and so I must humbly ask that you please leave.'

I say "Listen Ferguson, you little faggot, I don't know about all that gibberish, but me and my niggas came here for some pussy, some jager bombs, and some yayo. Now since ya boy don't like having sex with blue whales, u better make the next two happen real quick." The kid mutters in a shaky voice, "My name isn't ferguson," and starts tearing up a little. My boyz just laughed, it was pretty pathetic. After that I gave Ferguson a nuclear wedgie and peaced the fuck out before ya boy got swarmed by all the fat girls.

So can someone please tell me what the fuck a "ota" is, and what happened to one of the sickest party houses in Jersey?
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mom is making asagohan gonno feast


More like 2011.


Ramiro is a fag.
he likes yayoi
I am an incomparable homo


that means cocaine you weirdo
Please excuse my poor English
I am an incomparable homoOOOO


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No. 576271 [Reply]

4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I don't go on any sites that have a /qa/ board. But even if I did, I am asking a question to somebody who is here, not elsewhere. Once I have an answer, I won't need to ask it anymore.


faq faq faq faq faq faq


cracked a blog sandwich


cracked my buttcheeks apart


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No. 642399 [Reply]

HHeeyy FFaaggggoottss,,

MMyy nnaammee iiss JJoohhnn,, aanndd I hhaattee eevveerryy ssiinnggllee oonnee ooff yyoouu.. AAllll ooff yyoouu aarree ffaatt,, rreettaarrddeedd,, nnoo–lliiffeess wwhhoo ssppeenndd eevveerryy sseeccoonndd ooff tthheeiirr ddaayy llooookkiinngg aatt ssttuuppiidd aassss ppiiccttuurreess.. YYooruu aarree eevveerryytthhiinngg bbaadd iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd.. HHoonneessttllyy,, hhaavvee aannyy ooff yyoouu eevveerr ggootttteenn aannyy ppuussssyy? II mmeeaann,, II gguueessss iitt''ss ffuunn mmaakkiinngg ffuunn ooff ppeeooppllee bbeeccaauussee ooff yyoouurr oowwnn iinnsseeccuurriittiieess,, bbuutt yyoouu aallll ttaakkee ttoo aa wwhhoollee nneeww lleevveell.. TThhiiss iiss eevveenn wwoorrssee tthhaann jjeerrkkiinngg ooffff ttoo ppiiccttuurreess oonn ffaacceebbooookk..

DDoonntt bbee aa ssttrraannggeerr.. JJuusstt hhiitt mmee wwiitthh yyoouurr bbeesstt sshhoott.. IImm pprreettttyy mmuucchh ppeerrffeecctt.. II wwaass ccaappttaaiinn ooff tthhee ffoooottbbaallll tteeaamm,, aanndd ssttaarrtteerr oonn mmyy bbaasskkeettbbaallll tteeaamm.. WWhhaatt ssppoorrttss ddoo yyoouu ppllaayy,, ootthheerr tthhaann ""jjaacckk ooffff ttoo nnaakkeedd ddrraawwnn JJaappaanneessee ppeeooppllee""?? II aallssoo ggeett ssttrraaiigghhtt AA''ss,, aanndd hhaavvee aa bbaannggiinngg hhoott ggiirrllffrriieenndd ((SShhee jjuusstt bblleeww mmee;; SShhiitt wwaass SSOO ccaasshh)).. YYoouu aarree aallll ffaaggggoottss wwhhoo sshhoouulldd jjuusstt kkiillll yyoouurrsseellvveess.. TThhaannkkss ffoorr lliisstteenniinngg..

Ppiicc Rreellaatteedd:: Iitt''ss mmee aanndd mmyy bbiittcchh


lol its funny

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No. 642438 [Reply]

Even if it was legal wouldn't it sort of amount to some sort of co parenting agreement with their parents where you have them for certain days and have to take them to soccer practice and watch them on days they want off so it kind of seems like it would be a hassle unless you were a bad boyfriend and only took her for one thing then dropped her off but that kind of abuse would probably be unsustainable


wish i looked like that


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Not saying i wouldn't but seems like a big difference if you saw her with her mom in a grocery store. You'd have to really talk to her mom and come up with some sort of agreement where you watch her sometimes. It would be more like you're helping her in some way. And your only payment is you spend time with her. If that matters so much to you and she is allowing you to be with her and have fun with her. But still you are watching a child which is ehhhh. Maybe not so much fun


why would a high school girl like midori be shopping with mom instead of making games with her sister and yuzu in the clubroom?


I mean if you had some way to know their intentions are pure and nice unfortunately most just want child shaped onaholes to use and discard and most parents know that and don't think it's worth the trade off of getting a babysitter for free


never understood the obsession with children just get a midget 5' pettanko 30yohag

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No. 642379 [Reply]

Happy valentines day ota


nothing to be happy about


Im very happy actually





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No. 642354 [Reply]

This girl is cute I like her design.
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That's what women around you wear when they're totally digging your groove


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Mei if she didn't have Princess This is almost as funny as my lack of fine motor skillsa buns


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new estelle is TOO BIG


literally just saber


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Trails in the sky came out 5 months after fsn and she was already an agrias clone anyways.

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No. 642402 [Reply]

Tonight, i will remind them.
Elves don't deserve rights


imagine eating that good


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Invite your ota friends over and we can top a homemade pizza with all our favorite snack foods when the delivery is too late too…

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No. 642394 [Reply]

Say hello to the new king of Vtubing.


remember when ota posted about anime instead of streamers and ecelebs sigh


ota still does you weiner


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you never reply to my manga threads, so now ota is the dedicated linux and vtuber enthusiast webzone
also it really doesn't help that I just binge 3 hour watch shows after they finish these days

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