No. 545072 [Reply]
Do you get mad when you're watching dog on girl porn and the girl clearly sucks at it (which is like 90% of the time)? I would make a way better bitch than you, your pussy can't even hold a knot for more than ten seconds so you can't give him any real pleasure, what you think is a full sex session is just foreplay to him, plus, if he's climbing on top of you and jumping back down over and over again, YOU NEED TO ADJUST YOUR POSITION, plus, the fuck do you think you're doing putting socks on his front paws, you entitled slut? Think about it - his weight on top of you is pinning you down, his forelegs are locked around your waist, his teeth are inches from your throat, and the pounding you're taking is paralyzing you from the inside out - every part of this situation was carefully designed by nature to give him total control over you; you are helpless, all you can do is hold still and take it. I don't care how bad he might scratch you, if you put a limit on him beforehand, deciding which bits of the experience he can and can't do, you're subverting a major part of what the whole thing is supposed to be! If its bad enough I can't even fap to it, which rules out the majority of all dog porn, and leaves only the fat middle aged housewives and ugly trannies, who have a better chance of knowing what they're doing. Fucking women ruin everything.
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good boy!
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