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No. 630688 [Reply]

New episode of snachi's anime is out and he is looking cooler than ever
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I'm proud of being a mild annoyance.


i did not watch snatchys anime but i did like her thread and will miss her


but isnt the right word there


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the snatchi

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No. 631945 [Reply]

I turned on simplified view and found a secret message from oatmin
I already solved it and got my congratulations and membership into the ota secret society but I want to know if anyone else here is as smart as me and got the same answer I did.
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


the password to mindota


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Minimum DOTA, the hit new ASSFAGGOTS game from suckless software, only 10,000 LoC


hmm guess I'll make an appreciation station


I messed it up


they give awards to retards now?

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No. 631964 [Reply]



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Mou means "already", "anymore", or "enough", depending on the context.

Said by itself, in a whiny voice, indicates a sort of "ugh, that's enough [already]".



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No. 558739 [Reply]

got my second favorite kotori banner and dont want to refresh so i opened a new tab for ota
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my friends are here just not friend


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no friends now, only enemies


meow meows are friends


meow meows are enemies


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An enemy of meow meows is an enemy of me.

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No. 550251 [Reply]

Real rape of Love-Lives 15 - 18 years.

Files taken from a based source, probably gelbooru.

list links

henri.com / 8008135
32 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


dont think so but i guess it doesnt really matter since im never going to get raped


A teen figured out I was a virg and then patronized me by saying he wished he kept his


im born again virg


Maki raper



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No. 631881 [Reply]

i want to see her fuck and then get discarded and ran through like a fucking whore trash


what is this deviant art shite


love a good shite

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No. 631789 [Reply]

time for the bimonthly neckbeard and donut shave


ching chong


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things i did today in my boring life blog

woke, dressed and had breakfast of instant coffee and plain biscuits
removed bed sheets and washed and hung out
moved the van and loaded it with the old tv the old dishwasher and bags of rubbish
threw out a few things in my room (old computer cables, ide dvd drive, toy rc helicopter)
drove to the dump and got rid of the items managed to smack myself in the neck with a piece of metal when hurling the dishwashing machine onto the scrap pile
went into town to buy a small fan and laundry detergent
went home and put floor sleeping stuff out to air but it started raining
vacuumed room intensely lost my shit at the power head for the vacuume as it was malfunctioning after i had dissembled it and reassembled it in order to correct the malfunction
informed mom brashly that a new vacuume was needed because this one was a pos which im to blame for because i bought it
removed dust from surfaces in room and put things back where they were
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 592729 [Reply]

i cant take this anymore just let me die
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its pathetic and gross you can do more than enough with your penis and fingers the only reason a girl would ask you to go down on her like that is as a test to gauge how much power she has over you


yeah i know what you mean i prefer to eat something a little more… solid, you know? something that really fills you up


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ill keep that in mind for when i get a gf


Gaia gets so fucking angry when anyone dares to utter that they don't like eating pussy, let alone mention that they think it's gross and submissive as fuck

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No. 547674 [Reply]

Where did the norms hurt you


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I made a post and was sent here to the past and I have brought this back with me


le monkey face


elliot died over a decade ago

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No. 631581 [Reply]

6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Who is this owgirl you keep posting about


tulpas are so passé


The mysterious owlgirl


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i like owls saw a cool owl shirt I might get

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No. 631707 [Reply]

kamala owned trump last night
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Haitians refugees eating pets because they dropped 20k of them into a 60k city in Ohio is my favorite political talking point in years.
Also modern trump is way more grounded. I miss when he'd bring up actual conspiracies of just total nonsense like Ted Cruz's dad being the zodiac killer at debates and had less ties to normal repub policy.


dumb politic spam


this thread is gay

get it?


You know why
I'd also like to add that it's kind of odd that the Otamin permits slurs such as wop and guinea but strictly enforces against so much as mentioning a certain race of desert people known for their shrewd economic prowess.


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Overwatch doesn't permit "wop"

Some guy literally had "wop" in his username, I typed his name, and it auto-censored it and I got an automated "abusive text chat" message next time I logged in.

I hope they realize "wop" hasn't been used seriously for like the better part of a decade + I'm 40% Italian.

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No. 631714 [Reply]

trump owned kamala last night

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