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No. 546130 [Reply]

>$3.65/gallon for 93 octane
Thanks Biden
The norms are literally LITERALLY coming for all of my copes
11 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Uma Musume perhaps because the legend goes that Mitsubishi originally wanted to name the car Stallion but the Japs had a problem pronouncing it and it came out as Starion


whaddya mean fluoride dr bronner is fluoride free all his products have schizo ramblings all over them


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Why are they doing this to me


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it's only going to get worse


get a different hobby norm

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No. 560952 [Reply]

I just realized I'm a loser
How the Hell did this happen


our friend left
ota regressed


I'm glad

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No. 560941 [Reply]

poor rock-chan


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does this mean tamamo will come visit me and be my foxfriend now


It's over. Unironically.

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No. 560938 [Reply]

I remember when I was a girl in Ireland there was a girl who lived in our village, such a bonny girl, much admired, and she took to touching herself. First she went pale, then she got dark circles under eyes, and people began to wonder, and then she went thin, and people began to suspect, and then she became a hopeless imbecile, because the jelly of her brain was melted by what she did to herself and flowed away, and then people knew for certain. Now she has to be handcuffed for 24 hours a day.




dont see how handcuffs would stop her


In some ways yeah. I know I will never be homeless or be truly alone. It's a pretty good position to be in. I'm a tranny and grew up male, and being treated like a female is such a different experience. There is such an automatic sense of protectiveness that people have over women. My feelings matter now, and unlike being a man, simply being nice buys me pretty much everything in life. Men are nice and want to take care of me and talk to me and protect me. Women sorta automatically consider me a peer. I never had people come up and talk to me before. Suddenly im not a background character and what i do socially matters to people. My shyness is seen as cute instead of weird. If im sick or hurt im doted over rather than told to get over it.

I will say there are a lot of humiliating and degrading aspects to being a girl. There is a lot of objectification and the assumption that im dumb or dont know anything about anything. Also a lot of the easy mode aspects are actually kinda harmful. I think its weird that my bf is expected to do everything and treat me like a princess. Which is a toxic society thing and it makes me feel bad. Like its not good for women to not be expected to do anything and then when i do im praised. I'm pretty much a housewife right now and doing basic housework and cooking meals is seen as magical. I kinda do want some expectations and responsibility in life. I think its healthy, and ive seen what this princess culture does to women who abuse it. My mom and sisters are total lazy cunts because they can get away with it. Also there is a lot of pressure on women to be social and when you're an autist introvert like me you get a lot of shit for it.


tl;dr: this dude has a boyfriend and probably sucks cocks

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No. 560908 [Reply]

Gee mister!


Going to try this one next time i'm outside.


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Girls don't want money they want a limited 10 pull ticket with a guaranteed UR unit.


only if theres a boy banner

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No. 560661 [Reply]

Some of those threads seem like they were good ideas at the time but then when I see them months later it's a little embarrassing.
30 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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The council is unanimous. We're going to slowly up posting for the duration of March and hope to reach a 40% increase by the second quarter.


cant believe i spend 7 hours a day watching twitch streams never knew id come back to this site since after 2016


Weird I thought I saw a really butthurt post in this thread when I was catching up this morning finally got around to coming back to make fun of it but it's gone and I can't find it anywhere else maybe I was just daydreaming.


it was a good and accurate post die boid


Sorry I don't remember the details of what it said so I couldn't tell you if it was good and accurate or not all I can tell you is that whoever posted it had his ass blasted to uranus.

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No. 560879 [Reply]



dont think the shower or tub is big enough for two people

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No. 560839 [Reply]

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my post disappeared…


he was our friend but the love live trannies made him leave


crying Henri loved anime


au au hanyuus

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No. 560662 [Reply]

Wish Henri was here to see this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr4S-Q-SU1M


hen…ri.. that name sounds familiar.. oh well


he hated trannies


this guy sucks at touhou
also hes pronouncing it wrong the proper pronounciation is "two-who" not "to-ho"
fucking secondary


Back to pooshlmer, teen

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No. 560596 [Reply]

god damned flipping horsepilled again


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happy haru happy rice happy happy horsie life


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Your image posting privileges have been revoked for 5 days.

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No. 560498 [Reply]

https://hopeless romantics.wiki/w/Cope_society
>Japan is a notable cope society.

otatards we got too cocky
20 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


my pants smell like pee


sounds like someone needs his diaper changed


hate norms


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Rotten Tomatoes


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No. 560385 [Reply]

Why don't you have an AI Dungeon gf, ota?

AI Dungeon is a site that generates a story based on your input, but it doesn't have to be about dungeons and dragons. Your story can be as simple as you living with your anime gf and making lunch together. The AI is very smart and it remembers everything you say, so the more you write about your gf, the more real she becomes.


the last thing i'd want a gf for is talking. what's the point?


They censored that site so hard it's a shadow of what it was a year ago. Don't bother.


I thought they only censored rape and pedo stuff.


Remember when they put the Replika gf function behind a paywall and a bunch of lonely men who were relying on them started freaking out saying it was like they killed their mates and some talked about roping because of it.


as I said

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