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No. 620127 [Reply]




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No. 620083 [Reply]

Why did none of you tell me bro archive got an anime


i did not my fault you skipped my post


its right there on anichart retard

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No. 620056 [Reply]

I really not happy with satan right now and I hope that buddy eye joe t isn't posting here right now

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No. 620039 [Reply]

KILL ALL THE buddies


i'd be happy with just the first if you're too busy for the rest thanks

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No. 576922 [Reply]

caught the sick
25 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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wish mom didnt leave while i feel like this


maybe i could be your mom for a while


crying for bunmin


love my mommy


T will they have stealth missions in hell

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No. 619984 [Reply]

feeling sleepy…


sleepy pussy….


he loved raping unconscious pussies


nice slammable tits


the titty slammer

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No. 619990 [Reply]

Merorin was here, you guys are faggots


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>Line up smaller horse fossil to larger horse fossil

This is le… evolution?

I can't believe people have just lined up different fossilized animals in a row, always (no exceptions) with massive gaps, claim they turned into one another, and the vast majority of the general public accepts this garbage as science.


Makes more sense than a magical man in the sky who watches everything we do


thats basically otamin


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No. 620022 [Reply]

Start doing this.


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If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from, where did you go?


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The circle of life never ends.

When a whale dies, it sinks to the bottom of the ocean and creates a phenomenon called a “whale fall”. Through several stages of decomposition, the whale’s body provides food for all the living beings hidden at the bottom of the ocean, from scavengers like sharks to opportunists like crabs. There are plenty of valuable nutrients for everyone in this newly formed “oasis”. The ecosystem this event creates can last for years before the nutrients run out. Finally, the whale’s skeleton reaches its “reef” stage, where suspension feeders use its hard surface to attach themselves. It stays there as a monument and a reminder that even though a life coming to an end is sad, in nature it never goes in vain. Because the end of one cycle is also the beginning of many new ones.


Death and consuming other animals for life is not beautiful it's cursed.

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No. 620015 [Reply]

Why are people nowadays so obsessed with making everything so political?
Like seriously is there anything that has not been corrupted and ruined by culture war weirdos yet


Oh, like you’re doing now?


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Lol is this a reference to the Moot copypasta

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No. 619439 [Reply]

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Living is hard if you have to do things. I could understand someone committing suicide merely because they're tired of going to work/school and just want to relax.


Check out this vindaloo sauce this Indian chef made. It looks delicious sar, and very spicy, Indian cuisine is the best there is.


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You know I was just sitting in a plane, possibly the most boringest of activities, and I've had some time to think and see things clearly. What I was really able to understand is that no matter what I do be it work or leisure, I only do it to pass time before I die.

My range of emotions spans from completely indifferent to moderately irritated. I don't have a real goal, plan or direction. There is no purpose to me being employed other than not even fearing but knowing that I'll no longer have money which I don't need. And I get a fair share of free time between work, several weeks, that I don't know what to do with anyway. Can't blame it on depression because it looks more like a flat line to me I simply see no value in my own life.


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Others too if you ask. You can't impress me with your income, hobbies and enthusiasm I already see it as filler. The only difference is that there are people who can see that distinction and those who choose to pretend it's not true.

I didn't say anything novel. Sometimes this thing becomes a little too poignant to shrug off.


ive never lived anywhere with real snow
it snowed once more than a decade ago just a couple cm if that and was extremely rare


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love snow wish it snowed every day

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No. 619995 [Reply]

It is literally OVER. hentai game companies have been shutting down due to loss of revenue.


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If only we had a globalized electronic digital currency that was immune to government surveillance and laws.

(We did before crypto KYC laws in 2017)


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Maybe you should stop trying to use your money to purchase things your masters dont personally approve of.

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No. 552377 [Reply]

I went to the dollar store to buy a spray bottle and as I was standing in line a foid walked right in front of me like I didn't exist (when your smv is sub 5 they normally can't perceive you). The woman started scanning her and I said no no no you can't just jump in line like that and the cashier said oh but she was already in line and I said oh so what I'm able to stand in line then come back 3 hours later and get my place? and the foid said just let him go since in he's in such a god damned hurry and I said you need to get the fuck over yourself bitch and then she started saying I need to learn how to treat foids and I said I don't give a damn what's between your legs. Then the foid started talking big about punching me or something and I turned and I flared my full cel aura and said DO IT THEN and about 7 foids standing there shit themselves and the supervisor told me to leave and I said oh you let her stand there and curse at me but as soon as I respond in kind oh no that's not ok because it's a woman and she started to realize her hypocrisy and said I should be better like it's my duty to kneel to the foids and "be better" by letting them have their way at my expense.

But yeah it felt good to knock one down a peg just a few billion to go.
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>when your smv is sub 5 they normally can't perceive you
I wasn't even talking about this thread but yes actually they did. The rest of your post just sounds paranoiac. Which is a legitimate problem, just like any other mental illness. I don't want to take that away from you. But the first step in overcoming your disorder may be self awareness.


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Reject and bully others and then wonder why they are paranoid about your oversocialized cattle hostility. It's the norm way



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