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No. 598416 [Reply]

if only you knew
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Oh. It's you…


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The sh1tposts are taking over ota do something otamin


hungry otaghost



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No. 600136 [Reply]

new blackpill manga just dropped


uh it gave me an error the first time i tried didnt realize it had actually posted



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No. 600135 [Reply]

new blackpill manga just dropped

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No. 571681 [Reply]

Pass the controller bro!
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Babe why would I use standalone emulators for old consoles? Retroarch has

- One UI (accessible entirely by controller)
- One save folder
- One BIOS folder
- One screenshot folder
- One folder containing everything period
- The best emulators for everything 5th-gen and before, some better than any standalone alternative (Mupen64plus-nx, Genesis Plus GX)
- Universal shaders across all systems that you can't get standalone
- The best shaders period
- Per-game settings and controller maps
- Universal controller hotkeys for screenshot, fast forward, save state, etc.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


shes going to get girlsperm all over the screen


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on god girls are pretty disgusting


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teenmin my mind is going

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No. 600091 [Reply]

i bet iono tastes like zapplesauce ⚡⚡


tried zapplesauce the other day it reminded me of lemon ZAMNsauce

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No. 600043 [Reply]

post your favorite webtoon guys


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Are these those Korean mangas I've been hearing about


I read unordinary
But I haven't read it since like February. Got kinda boring. Well, not kinda, it straight up got boring. It was only worth reading for John being cool.


most of them are really good art next to stories I can only imagine to be written by monkeys with typewriters
also the girl from random chatting really falls apart during the last 100 chapters

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No. 600067 [Reply]

shes in sound voltex cant wait to roll for her


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when is T gonna roll for neen in the gacha of his favorite anime?

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No. 514960 [Reply]

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Is this allowed?


hes back


she never said she was a virgin

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No. 535343 [Reply]

When you're at a restaurant together make sure he knows you cannot eat omurice. Omurice is a Japanese dish of rice topped with an omelette and can be found on the menu in any family restaurant and many coffee shops throughout Japan. For those of you outside of Japan, any egg-based dish like a normal omelette should work fine.
When seated, make sure you are seated next to your guy so that you can share a menu. Find the picture of omurice, gaze at it with consternation and exclaim sadly:
"I absolutely can't eat omurice."
There is almost 100% chance that your guy will respond with, "Why not? You don't like omurice?"

Be silent for a few seconds for dramatic effect and continue: "I… well" (take a deep breath) "Every time an egg is cracked open those cute little chickees die…they're killed! Those cute little baby chicks… I can't bear to think about it! They'll never get a chance to be born, to hop around and chirp those cute little chirps…" It is good to shiver at this point.
Your guy will gaze at you in amazement! What a kind, sensitive angelic person you are! Next he will be feeling the need to spend the time to really get to know you. He's yours! Plans for a date are in the bag!

When you start going out with him, no doubt you will find yourselves at a similar restaurant where you can order omurice. You've got to know each other well enough, but of course he is going to ask. "Didn't you say you couldn't eat omurice?"

It is safe enough to blow it off with a "I'm OK with it now", or "Oh, I got used to it", or even a "Did I say that?…tehe-pero!"
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Um but then that would delete all the dross stuff?


Only one of those comics is good (you know the one) the rest are gay.

Ketchup doesn't go on eggs but I will let it slide for a maid cafe girl.


weird didn't know he did non gay stuff


make omurice at least 3 times a week and always put ketchups on it



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No. 579676 [Reply]

need to borrow some ellipsis

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2hu thrad lol


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No. 599132 [Reply]

any prescription drug otaku here?
will anything happen to me if i take 5 mg of diazepam once a week every week for months
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Nothing because 5mg is a low dose.
As they're 5mg pills you can start with 15mg.
I recommend you get some fentanyl instead.


I've been thinking lately, drugs can do a lot of stuff right? When I take a caffeine pill I don't feel tired anymore even if I was tired before. It's amazing eh? I also feel a bit more social and talkative. And that's just caffeine that can do that to you and thats like nothing as far as drugs go so imagine anything else. And there are a tons of drugs out there.
Well, anyway, my point was that the answer to life is probably drugs. I think that they can shape you into anything you want to be


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it's a shame that sometime you'd want to become addicted loser. was true for me at least.


Psychostimulants are the best antidepressants ever made



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No. 556624 [Reply]

Anyone else know that feel where you can't enjoy anime/video games unless you take a shower, trim your beard, dress nice, workout, etc. because otherwise you feel like girls would judge you and not like you. It breaks my immersion and fantasy if they're nice to me but I feel like an ugly slob.
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hotel norm


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This is one of the effects of a carefully curated self-sabotage process. At some point your life becomes so unsaturated you no longer see value or potential in things and you gradually turn ascetic, start prioritizing tidiness and order, drastically change your diet to bare essentials, get OCD. Funny paradox. After a while the lack of self indulgence becomes the sole source of self indulgence and you fear adding anything new to your life. You just sit there, abhor your very existence and revel in serenity that surrounds you.


to many this is the bare minimum


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I don't think that really applies to me.

An imageboard with no moderation is like a ship without a captain.



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