No. 590533 [Reply]
A byte can only hold 0-255, if you try to make it hold 256 it will loop back to 0, 258 would loop back to 2, and so on, this is called an overflow error.
Different data types (int, long, double, etc.) can hold different amounts. An integer on modern compilers and computers is 4 bytes, which means it can hold 0 to 4294967295.
There's no such thing as infinite according to a computer. If you are defining a variable, it needs to know how much memory it should allocate for it. Should it allocate 4 bytes of RAM or 8?
If you were to take a simple 2+2 program and decompile it, you will see the computer push 2 into a register, push the other 2 into another register, and then add one register to the other.
Essentially this is how computers work, numbers go into registers, and then the computer does basic math on them. RAM is for storing numbers not actively being math'd on by the processor.
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