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No. 584864 [Reply]

Chastity cage on, butt plug in, diapered up, pacifier secured, nipple clamps applied, and even handcuffed to desk. Yep it's healing time.
Oh no! I got too horny and started playing with my virtual succubus instead!
2 hours of CBT and frustration later I haven't healed a single hitpoint! SIGH.
I guess I'll clean up and unlock the cage…
Right after I level up.
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ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai




Alright I think I’m done with this site. Some faggot tranny keeps posting this shit everyday and has no life. Another image board ruined by faggots


fake where are the black bars that go over her female ass hole

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No. 633050 [Reply]

How do you respond?


*whips out erect cock*
Link away babe!


Sneedemfeedem and poota shiesty linked up!? Need it or keep it?


i ask to be vored and end this farce


o rly?

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No. 591811 [Reply]

A woman said I was beautiful and asked me to smile last night. She was mocking me though.
I hate women.
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Do you have facial hair of any kind?


I don't let it get longer than stubble


have a pretty complicated skin care routine but sometimes wonder what the point is but its kind of fun


flip you bragnorm


was waiting for some paint to dry yesterday so parked my van on main street in town outside a sushi restaurant to creep watch for a while at some point this fat arse bitch waddled into the store literally waddled it was like a fucking sphere and im not american so it was quite a sight

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No. 632984 [Reply]

Ain't shit green but that lima bean
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lucky girl



is he tickling her?


yeah he's tickling her with his penis


wish i could get a massage from niinii

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No. 576841 [Reply]

apparently if girls are administered GHB they turn super horny and shameless and will just start masturbating in font of you
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Women are more disgusted by incest than men according to studies. This makes sense because making a mistake in choosing a mate is very costly for a woman. Women who spent 9 months and more investing in an incestuous offspring with a higher chance of defects would have had a lower long term gene survival rate than women who didn't.

Men on the other hand can knock up their sister without that much psychical consequence. Only their society could create a possible consequence, as an extension of protecting the woman's interests, and also the tribe's interest in her fertile womb. Men are also disgusted by it, but not to the same extent (degozaru)


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Single generation inbreeding is not nearly as bad as society makes it out to be and you can pretty easily look up numbers for it. It gets pretty bad after multiple generations.
Also we hate gozaru.


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love sexy babies


i accidentally ate all the alfredo and owgirl raged and for her dinner microwaved herself a hotdog and i said youll feel better after a flip and so we did a couple of times and it might have helped i sure felt better at least


nice owgirl you got there mine just cools afresh

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No. 632988 [Reply]

Snape kills Dumbledore

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No. 632959 [Reply]

Good riddance
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What's even the point of nu-gnfos if you all still post vtubers here


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ota is for cop posts, gn is for criminal posts


nobody knows where nu-gnfos is


hate vtubers


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No. 600649 [Reply]

Whenever something bad happens to a girl and I almost start to have some misplaced empathy, I remember that every female in the world hates me and despises me and would gleefully prefer me dead over quite possibly anything else.
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Please stick it in me


Girls have a very valuable resource called a womb and they don't give it away freely. They trade it for the assurance of resources for them and their young and for good genes for the young too.

Males evolved to monopolize all the resources they could so that other competing men and women didn't have it, so then they could trade it for as many wombs as possible.

Nobody is at fault here but evolution (degeso)


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Evolutionary psychology is considered pseudoscience even among Darwinists.

It's also contradicted by the vast prevalence of negative traits found in humans and animals, that by your own logic, would have been bred out millions of years ago or never existed in any significant lasting population to begin with.


Evolutionary psychology is considered pseudo-science by leftists because it doesn't allow them to write baseless essays about how every human behaviour is the result of oppression from the systemic industrial complex.

Everyone else knows the human brain was not excluded from evolution.


everyone knows youre a retard

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No. 632900 [Reply]

>Please excuse my poor English she has a ranko manko
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when in doubt, assume the best


when in doubt, assume the average


average pussy


average pussy is best pussy


Ranko manko is better than shower abita manko

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No. 560380 [Reply]

I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
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i can drop dat beat


you can drop that ass


dropped that show


just dropped a turd in the toilet


dont need a concealed carry permit in my state but i dont have a gun

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No. 632950 [Reply]

comfy ^_^

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No. 632928 [Reply]

mindshattering that girls have a squishy hole between their legs that's designed for men to use
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>Onaholes ruined me because it takes me a 35 minute sessions to cum now and if I try to use my hands this is almost impossible now and will have my arm burning. And the last time I saw a porn video of an inexperienced girl and it put a weird idea in my head that I was teaching a girl how to please me. This thing is fucking with my head I'm out of town and don't have it with me. Not going to be fun trying to get this one out.

I posted this in /onahole/ on /jp/ and it said post successful but it still hasn't shown up


4gays is very aggressively "spam filtering" posts now. On mobile I almost always have to submit posts twice sometimes even three times for it to actually go through. On normal internet, they go through with more frequency, but still maybe a third or quarter of the time I have to submit more than once. Sigh maybe it's time to just pay on ota exclusively


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die chad


nothin chad

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