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No. 568618 [Reply]

Merorin was here, you guys are faggots


Where are my replies you buddies


Maybe tone down the homophobia a bit.


shut up homo

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No. 546634 [Reply]

Virtual Communism has arrived. At the end of capitalism the cybernetic guerrillas dissolve the walls of the Malls in terabytes of liquid pixels. Institutions? Post-Institutions. With the labor cloisters dynamited, the electronic class struggle seeks the reinstatement of the common: the public spaces of gigas and gigas of community data. Behind the fire there is of course a dance few of us know: Welcome to the ghost of post-capitalist Marxism, a ghost of anti-cyber fog.
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Massive balls of flaming gas that have been around for billions of years and will live on for billions more do not know or care about your pitiful existence. There are millions of bacteria in your body that are born and die every minute that you are not aware of. Having said that I do believe that celestial bodies and stars are actually projections of more advanced sentient creatures that our primitive brains cannot comprehend. This universe is more than just space for carbon based lifeforms to roam around in spaceships and fornicate endlessly.


Guys like you are weird. We have a star right beside us and we have another star around 4 lightyears away. There is a lot of evidence to how they're made and what their lifecycles are like but you'd rather come up with some PREDICTABLE baseless theory about them.


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1000 years ago there was evidence of them rotating around Earth and heretics were BBQ'd for wrongthink and 3k years ago people thought it was as flat as your brain gamma wave pattern.


That's a really CUTE doll!!!! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶


like looking at stars in the night sky when the moon is dark

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No. 568521 [Reply]

We are cels
We like memes
What are your favorite cPlease rape my facees?
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I first used it to post funny pictures way back in 2014. It's supposed to mean "E l M e m e" but I shortened it to "E L M E M".
Otamim didn't like that so he filtered it "Please rape my face".


I think my favorite cPlease rape my facee is foid
But I also like mog and rope


do you still have any of the pics post em



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I prefer NoPlease rape my facees.

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No. 568535 [Reply]

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPlease stick it in meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Please rape my face

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No. 568515 [Reply]

wamy has feet


That's a cute dress! Very pretty!o(*°▽°*)o




TIL girls have feet.

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No. 568475 [Reply]

Hello everyone!

I'd like to start by saying that my love for this world is very special and while it does appeal to different parts of my being it doesn't cover all of my needs as described in my first post.


my love for your holes would be very special also


ota doesnt have what jks need


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watame its not exactly a house, i think foreign company would do you all good

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No. 568358 [Reply]

wanna play some fun games with my otatachi
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This Anime is great I love it!! o(^▽^)o


What's it about


It's like Kaiji! They play fun games and the loser gets a lot of debt! This Anime is centred around the idea of friends and trusting eachother, which means it's full of mistrust and betrayal! o(^▽^)o



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No. 568351 [Reply]

finally home and can take it easy but everything has changed and im scared


Thank you for your service in the armed forces

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No. 568340 [Reply]



ota, the domain of champions

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No. 568151 [Reply]

I can't believe this is what Trevor comes home to every day.


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She's dead, Jim.


Vtubers? Yeah a lot of simps do.

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No. 568250 [Reply]

is otamin on team mina or team tshit


does this make him vol now since he rejected a girl's advances?


Being too mentally ill doesn't count as vol


are you ready for season 2 thinking i might need to rewatch


the commie release of course

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No. 536795 [Reply]

imagine catching the chinaman's coof and you becoming very sick and you're in your bedroom all snug and sound and some cute young girls attend to you and wipe your fore head with a cool damp cloth and feed you congee and small bits of peeled apples and give you those small energy/herbal japanese drinks and some medicine and bring you the notes from class despite having not been to school in years… in fact who are these girls, why are they in my room, i dont eat congee…
im on the floor alone, this is a fever induced hallucination..maybe im dying
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Pretty sure I'm immune to Covid I will work hard to repopulate after most of the population dies from lung complications or vaccines and I will name all of my celspawn jp related names


congrats on the marriage




covid is a chinese bio-weapon that escaped the lab


Wouldn't be surprised at this point.

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