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No. 609817 [Reply]

The norms are trying to make me give up NEET lyfe
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@otamin do something


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Then maybe you should not have spammed it? What a moron.

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No. 609177 [Reply]

Post ITT if you want to or don't whatever
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Was it your lucky Milky Holmes shirt?


henri would have loved this image…


Wish I had a kemono friends shirt to wear to the grocery store


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This January felt very long.


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No. 609650 [Reply]

playing Overwatch with friends is the best stress relief
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im already tracer


your just saying that because he's lgbtaiq+



turt are you seeing this


turd are you shitting this

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No. 603816 [Reply]

If I get trapped as a English teaching assistant in Spain I'm going to kill myself
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the interview went well and they sent me the contract though its not really a contract more just an offer but you have to pre-pay and stuff to keep the offer,
anyway it starts in January so I have two months to get something else, I felt a bit better after I remembered that I could just decline even if they do give me something.

But I started searching again and realized again I'm probably not going to get a job by January, or ever. Getting a job is just too difficult. So this will probably be my ultimate fate after all. So now I'm just reading up on suicide again.


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Mi Espana amigo, tu will play de FIFA juego y tu will like it.


actually never mind


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I didn't get a job anything. But they told me I have until March well, end of February really, so maybe I'll find a job by then and can escape this fate
Just one month

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No. 609765 [Reply]

Don't hope for a miracle.


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I expect the worst and am sometimes pleasantly surprised


I expect the worst and my expectations are always vastly underestimated.


miracles happen every day you just need to adjust your perspective

i had a glass i left on the sink edge i forgot about it and almost knocked it over when i woke up. but i didnt so i didnt have to clean up glass off the floor


its a miracle that ive managed to survive this long without offing myself every day is a new miracle


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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 609763 [Reply]

Whats up dudes.
I am one of the guys who used to cry about there being no jobs and not being able to make money. Then I accidentally stumbled on the US military new promotion.
I found out that new recruits with #quickship get $40,000 just for signing up and completing their service! This is in addition to pay and amazing benefits of the US army!
Now I know some people are scared to join the army, but the army these days is an easy way to make good money and serve your country. As a NEET and huge computer nerd, I was scared I might not have what it takes. But basic training would not only get you in shape, it will also give you the confidence you need to get a girlfriend! Not to mention girls love servicemen!
I know some people are scared to get sent to war, but guess what, a regular recruit will NEVER see combat! Most of your time will be spent on #selfimprovement! And when you are done with your service, you actually get $40,000 that you can use to start a business or buy a home and to boot, you also get amazing benefits and retirement pay!
I don't know how there are so many people complaining about jobs when there is an amazing job out there and the military is always hiring. All you have to do is be a MAN and put in some effort.
And before you worry about Ukraine or Russia, the U.S is never going to get involved in that so you know you are safe.
I like to be "BASED" but it is time to be #BASED on an actual military base that is.
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I'm an Army recruiter and so far my life has been smooth sailing. I've never had to worry about getting fired or where my next check is coming from. You can join until you're 35, and there's some of the biggest bonuses I've ever seen right now. I wish I joined earlier instead of going to college.

A 25B, which is an IT MOS, can get a PREDICTABLE high bonus if they score high enough on the aptitude test the recruiter gives you. They need these people really bad right now because they all get out after 3-4 years and step right in to $100-$300k jobs because the military trained them for 3-4 years.

An 11B, which is your stereotypical no prior skills required infantry shooty gun job, is also getting pretty big bonuses right now.

If you can stop smoking weed and can do 10 pushups, go talk to an Army recruiter. Most people can't do those 2 things lol.


are these bots


feeling scared where is friend to protect me


friend said to shut the fuck up homo

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No. 609761 [Reply]

It's a lifelong condition.


I was thinking tonight and wondered if norms feel a desire for purpose or if they're able to float along just fine I've come across several that never seemed to develop purpose and didn't mind it or perhaps they fell into purpose and never had to think about it I don't really believe that the reason for being is a human condition.

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No. 607217 [Reply]

feel when you're just vibing in your room and suddenly get the urge to beat the shit out of your single mother even though you haven't spoken in days or seen each other in months


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I hate Sam Hyde and think he's a narcissistic psychopath, but maybe he was right about that joke about NEETs going mental like "I GOTTA KILL MOMMY MOMMY HAS TO GO"


Mindblowing that zoomers actually do say vibe all the time not even as a meme they actually do it


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I'm 102 and I say vibe, like this image just wow what a vibe.


now that's a vibe

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No. 609659 [Reply]


you need to go back


cant go back

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No. 609264 [Reply]

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Artia my beloved…



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Inaccurate the hamster is much cuter

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No. 567159 [Reply]

4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


nice silverfish maki


wish i was a milky holme


No more stolen posts


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i wonder who pioneered the clipboard



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No. 609239 [Reply]






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buy new fan
stick it in the open window
wind blows it out of the frame and the shitty plastic blade breaks
now inoperable

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