No. 609763 [Reply]
Whats up dudes.
I am one of the guys who used to cry about there being no jobs and not being able to make money. Then I accidentally stumbled on the US military new promotion.
I found out that new recruits with #quickship get $40,000 just for signing up and completing their service! This is in addition to pay and amazing benefits of the US army!
Now I know some people are scared to join the army, but the army these days is an easy way to make good money and serve your country. As a NEET and huge computer nerd, I was scared I might not have what it takes. But basic training would not only get you in shape, it will also give you the confidence you need to get a girlfriend! Not to mention girls love servicemen!
I know some people are scared to get sent to war, but guess what, a regular recruit will NEVER see combat! Most of your time will be spent on #selfimprovement! And when you are done with your service, you actually get $40,000 that you can use to start a business or buy a home and to boot, you also get amazing benefits and retirement pay!
I don't know how there are so many people complaining about jobs when there is an amazing job out there and the military is always hiring. All you have to do is be a MAN and put in some effort.
And before you worry about Ukraine or Russia, the U.S is never going to get involved in that so you know you are safe.
I like to be "BASED" but it is time to be #BASED on an actual military base that is.
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