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No. 562172 [Reply]

What'cha gonna do, What'cha gonna do Tenshi when Ikumania runs wild on YOU!

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No. 562091 [Reply]

I've come to lay waste to this disgraced board.
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my only boss battles are with cels on this site


she was op


when you are the boss you have to defeat


haha this is totally me when going into my gf's room after playing Elden Ring and ignoring her all day

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No. 562134 [Reply]

Don't think anything more true has ever been animated
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I've learned a lot about norms
They really do a lot of things by instinct alone they don't even have to think about it
They are capable of developing their own existential thoughts and even feel discomfort over them but they don't fall into loops where they get obsessed and can't think about anything else
They love taking pictures of themselves
They will see an action or thought as being *bad* but do it anyway and don't really feel bad about it they'll just do it again it's like they memoryhole it or something
They aren't very critical of themselves
If you look and act like you know what you're doing they'll just assume you know what you're doing


this feels like a… projection


Cope norm


There are other things that aren't all bad
Unless they have some sort of reason most norms don't actually wish harm on others
Most of them can be empathetic to a degree but I think this only works if they're in real life
Most norms are generous with small sums of money
A lot of norms work pretty hard


this also feels like projection

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No. 562079 [Reply]

I made a new class to replicate T's exact run. Same stats and equipment levels that he used for his boss fights. Already beat the first area. And started moving to the next. He actually 100% had a harder time than most people did. I beat Margit fairly easily as both vagabond and samurai. The generic ash of war with the long sword can stagger Margit in just two hits. I'm not making this up,. Two hits. You only need one opening to stagger him as long as you have fp. Same with samurai but it's 3 hits and is faster/easier to pull off, and does more damage because of bleed. This is literally at level 9 which is half the level Ron Paul was when he fought him. When I made a Ron Paul replica it was actually difficult, took like 10 jumping heavy attacks to stagger once. The weapons he used were actually bad. It had more damage per a hit but it didn't really mean much over all. Probably only the colossal weapons could be worse. But its even worse for him because he didn't use a shield either. He had the strength for heavy shields just didn't use them. I though shields were bad in this game but I was completely wrong. You can literally stand in front of the garnakamales and just tank hits with a heavy shield and it hardly eats stamina.
Most interesting part is that he clearly found better weapons and just didn't use them because he compared sombering stone 7+ weapon to a generic no upgrade weapon. He could have looked up the scaling in like five seconds on the wiki and it'd hardly be cheating.
Not to mention the fact that he was on sub 20 Vigor for half the game. His points invested in STR didn't make much difference after 55 and even less so with his weapon's C scaling. He kinda wasted his points a lot.


Took me so much more effort to beat Margit than normal, felt a lot different beating him, made my heart go doki doki. Godrick was a joke though tbh.


Can't post my webm of me killing margit in 10 seconds sigh


The pink site lets you post webms but I dont think a trebbler belongs there


Blows my mind that images never existed on textboards.


T has it hard enough without being shamed like this

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No. 562045 [Reply]

Discord updated to their ToS to ban "misinformation".

Skepticism of official narratives = misinformation.

Big tech is making entire APIs to stop this so you can import a library and run check_for_misinformation();


Big tech and the US government have found the perfect weaponized term, they can take anything they want to suppress regardless of evidence, call it misinformation, and they win. They can now censor it and the n1gger cattle will cheer because they control the narrative, and it's that they are always right and the groups being censored are always misinformation, 100% of the time. Even when the official narrative changes, they just pretend like they weren't calling today's reality "misinformation" yesterday.

Also Kirby thread.


cool story whatman


dont care about your wall of text really wanna play discovery and explore the ruins of a post-apocalyptic world with kirby and the kemurikusas


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oh dear what is the course of action we should take


Why do things only get worse everything gets worse and worse when does it end

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No. 562057 [Reply]

Everything will eventually reach its logical conclusion. I think it's time. Look into your heart, you know I'm right.


Logically I should have a wife


But I'm scared


think oatmans fave liella is probably chisato because she likes circles and the big O is a circle

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No. 561842 [Reply]

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im rubber and your glue, hurtful things bounce off me and stick to you


I didn't listen to music when I was a kid, all I liked were TV show songs and that carried over to anime I guess when I started watching anime, and then when I started listening to music it turned out to only be Japanese because all I could branch from were anime OP/EDs, and now I can hardly listen to anything not Japanese. Even the few western musics I do like is connected to anime in some way like Twilight or Alone Again. I hate myself so much



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jammin out

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No. 561888 [Reply]

At what point does something stop being your fault and is instead the fault of brain problems
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Is everyone responsible for their own brain even if whatever their brain makes them do is part of their nature? It's like being mad at an orca for killing seals for sport.


I never consented to this brain


properly conjugate your verbs it's consunt

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No. 561767 [Reply]

Had to yell at mom again
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maki will never hold hands with me as i pee sitting down


dad always leaves the seat up its gross dont want to have to touch the seat every time


Why should he have to touch the seat every time? Don't be so selfish


I feel like I don't want to be around mom at all anymore she reminds me too much of the past

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No. 561837 [Reply]

Who is "Jobu" and why do anine girls always want them to die???


what is daijou and why is everyone in the daijou club

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No. 561771 [Reply]

Only 3999 more characters to go!




no adult sized watch shoud fit on a child

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No. 561686 [Reply]

I don't understand modern otaposting at all
Can't we have ONE normal, genuine, human conversation about 2D/random topics like we used to in 2013? Just one.
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no they were weirdly drawn and stood out too much


haha get it

the feet STOOD out too much

Please forgive my rudeness


You still have plenty of time to prepare dont give up


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How about this image?



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