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No. 553231 [Reply]

click to pet squid


what the HELL


its like squid game


i hate when people try to talk to me and start a conversation you think the past 20 yeard would have had some like they would understand that im not interested in talking i dont like conversation i cant make conversation but they constantly spew put their thoughts into my face and expect me to miraculuously change and suddenly start talking back and engaging in the conversation and my brain will suddenly understand how all these social things work its just annoying and frustrating that they cant get it through their heads that IM NOT INTERESTED IN SPEAKING LEAVE ME ALONE SHUTUP but they keep trying anf annoying me maybe they just like the spind of their own voice and want to puke their thougts put because hey think theyre so important and theyre enlightening me by telling me about this crap maybe its all just for their own pleadure and they dont really care if antone else wants to even listen to their inane babble just shutup shutup already


that shiggy diggy feleritino when dumb foids keep trying to talk me into having sex youd think theyd understand im not interested by now

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No. 550561 [Reply]

When an OVA airs on television, does it become a TV series, or is it still considered an OVA?
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Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


I usually skipped the OVA extras. Some of them were like just watching the characters hang out at the beach and it left a taste in my mouth.


I love OVA extras. Some of them are just like watching the characters hang out at the beach, and it lets me spend more time with my friends.


that's a nice way of looking at it. I guess some of the anime I watched didn't have great characters that really resonated with me so I was just done with it after the conclusion of the story. I also watched some other anime with characters that I deeply connected to and would love to watch more of, but I think most of those shows did not get slice of life OVAs


love the love live music start ova

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No. 551080 [Reply]

I feel… like… a dog… on a motorway.


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there is some ova or special?


I read an essay from a foreigner who visited the US and related to dogs on a motorway. Back home dogs were just stray animals who roamed everywhere and people weren't especially kind or cruel to them. In the US, he saw Americans often kept dogs at home with luxurious lifestyles. Then one day he was driving and saw another driver dump a dog out of his moving car onto the highway. The writer felt like the dog at that moment.

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No. 543282 [Reply]

Stop being cel. Start going out with women.
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lol wut


can't picture myself going on a date and the foid looking at me with anything other than disgust or pity.


It’s too late for me. Hopefully the teens will save themselves.


I just realized the other day I don't care. I already bumped uglies with women and it's just not worth the hassle to conform to social expectations. Asmongold is my spirit animal


norm ban

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No. 542687 [Reply]

/pol/ said the internet will be cut off globally and may or may not come back up exactly how it works in south korea where everything you do is logged under your legal name and i suppose you could not make your own website either. others said it won't come back up. they said two weeks give or take. what do you think?
a few months ago they convinced me the us economy would crash that week and nothing happened.


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i think pol are a bunch of morons


who does this guy think he's fooling


It's happening because pol said so.

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No. 537418 [Reply]

cat stole the dog's bed
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woof woof




meow meow henris


meow meow trevors

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No. 553122 [Reply]

What ever shall we do about the idolcel problem?
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henri was my friend, he was our friend, he was everyone’s friend, but you people made him leave and now he’s never coming back


the love live trannies made henri leave


He made himself leave. It was his fault for being transphobic in an lgbt safe space.


>an lgbt safe space.



Just make cel threads. It's like kryptonite to them.

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No. 552988 [Reply]

love nensorship


happy birthday

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No. 546932 [Reply]

Blackpill me on spike proteins. What do I need to know?
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And when I die I will be home.

Can't say the same for you.


spike protein is slang for jisms


the meow meow henrigirl


Spike protein is when you spray your jizz wildly all over the place.


the meow meow trevorgirl

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No. 553158 [Reply]

Are you fulfilling your constitutional obligation?

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No. 553106 [Reply]

[–]from GaiaCareResources[A] sent 6 hours ago

Hi there,

A concerned Gaiaor reached out to us about you.

When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. But whatever you're going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you.

Text CHAT to Crisis Text Line at 741741. You'll be connected to a Crisis Counselor from Crisis Text Line, who is there to listen and provide support, no matter what your situation is. It's free, confidential, and available 24/7.

If you'd rather talk to someone over the phone or chat online, there are additional resources and people to talk to. Find Someone Now

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Gaiaors aren't human


Must have been a female user because that site absolutely despises men


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[–]from OtaCareResources[A] sent 0 hours ago

Hi there,

A concerned ota user reached out to us about you on the otacord.

Text FOID to Cel Support Line at 133780085. You'll be connected to a Cel Counselor from Cel Support Line, who is there to listen and provide support, no matter what your situation is. It's free, confidential, and available 24/7.

If you think you may be depressed or struggling it is likely the result of the actions of norms. They caused this, they are responsible.

Your fellow ata users care.

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No. 553081 [Reply]

How do I stop pissing gallons of diarrhea onto priceless Rembrandt murals?


haha this dork copypasted Rembrandt from a wiki or something because he didn't know how to spell it.


Cumming into a Dutch oven

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