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the ghosts in her room are totally real jerks…
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No Friday night stream, still no gn. Asshole.
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The prescription says to not take more than 1 pill per day. I think I accidentally took 2. I'm in the uncharted waters now.
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I wonder how the aliens see our classical philosophy. Take for example "Cogito ergo sum" or as you know it in English "I think therefore I am" which to the aliens must seem like "grug hungry grug eat huehue"
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>>640239billie jean is not my lover
she's just a girl who said that i am the one
but the kid is not my son
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>>640239Micheal Jackson
Jim Carry in "The Mask"
Scathach (SMT)
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I really don't like the immigration gestapo Trump keeps talking about.
Everyone mad about immigration is mostly just mad about labor and resource competition.
Immigration is a symptom of the disease, capitalism.
The most racist Jim-bob retard is mostly mad because immigration lowers wages and makes everything more expensive for him, but because he's a lumpenproletariat retard with no class consciousness, he misdiagnoses the problem and thinks it's an immigration problem rather than a capitalist problem, with their demand for cheap slave labor and consumers.
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Trump just pardoned Ross Ulbricht
(The Silk Road admin they gave a life sentence to)
Are we actually seeing the dawn of less authoritarianism? I want to see him defang all the alphabet soup glownigg3r agencies like he said he would.
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