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the oat man
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why did he design this
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the otamin
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>>574857Moore's law is dead
Infinite growth isn't possible
There's literally only a few more die shrinks left
The only path left forward to appease the shareholders of Nvidia, AMD, and Intel, is to increasingly make their products bigger and more power hungry.
Eventually, they will not be able to release new generations of products that preform significantly better. Their only choice left will be to decrease prices forever thus sending their corporation into a death spiral, invent a radically new different type of computer chip, or work together to fix prices and keep supply artificially low.
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>>574857to think they made an idol into a graphics card
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>>574892Spending money on computer parts to play video games?
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>>574923I just bought a $300 1440p 170Hz IPS monitor so I could play retro games with integer scaling.
240p and 480p don't fit on a 1080p screen with integer scaling but they both fit perfectly on 1440p
I'm probably going to upgrade to an RDNA3 card when AMD releases them if they're not ridiculously priced, cause I will need something stronger than my 5500XT to run some games at 1440p.
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Literally I am an incomparable homo right now.
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>>574923she actually uses thinkpad btw
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>the otamin
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>>640377It's not illegal to be trans, the federal government just doesn't recognize it.
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i hate trannies
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that's right ota is all hypermasculine