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>>539109Yeah definitely not going to rot away in a supermax after the norms parade me through their mockery of a justice system.
A cel should fall in battle with honor or at the very least roping in solitude.
>>539109Well this is really something. Wonder what goes though an ubernorm interrogator like that's head when they get a rundown on 4chan like that? Liked when he laughed when Elliot Rodger came up and when he said that all they talk about on /r9k/ is how they cant get laid.
Oh whoa, did this guy actually talk to Elliot?
hahahaha I'm at the part where it shows him trying to make the police office shoot him oh man hahahahaha
Oh, it's over. That was interesting. What what goes though the lawyers heads when their clients go and do everything but stay silent after they tell them not to.
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He introduced me to his discord friends as his pretty boyfriend