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>>558169Probably with no steeze and 1 inch off the ground
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hey ota just got back from 20 km run there was a tall blonde girl on a skateboard she couldnt keep up with me and then there was an asian guy coming around a corner on a skateboard he said turn turn turn then fell over and yelled a curse word
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i did used to skate
only learned when i was 18
did it for a couple years when i lived in the city was getting better and better
then moved back home to the country and slowly it faded away
to be proficient you pretty much need to use it every day
>>574020>to be proficient you pretty much need to use it every dayWrong, skateboarding is one of the best examples of something you have to be born with.
Some people could try every day all day and they will NEVER be good.
You have to be low inhibition and have the right brain wiring.
>>574021its no different than riding a bike
i couldnt even stand on the thing when i first got it
you have to actually