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No. 610871

I had an idea today to get another one over on the norms using their own beliefs
We spread the idea that having memories of being a teen and having sexual encounters with other teens as being pedophilic in nature

Otamin, mobilize the cels


They already do that, women are always all like "I can't believe I was so dumb as to not notice how much of a disgusting pedo my 15 year old boyfriend dating me, a 13 year old, was."

It doesn't help anything.


Okay, so I realized that you were actually saying that we should make the adults think they are pedophiles because they have memories of having underage sex in their head.
Interesting idea. It won't work because hypocrisy for norms is their natural state and they don't think twice about it however.


>>610871 Nobody cares about that


New idea how about we only be sexually attracted to adult females in order to own the norms who say we're gay or pedophiles


This. They even put teens on the sex offender list for having consensual sex with each other. OP is a retard.


File: 1707842789198.jpg (40.58 KB, 695x1024, 1707661326477666.jpg)

>from 2019 to 2020, there were 132,091 rape incidents and 137,235 offenses reported in the US. 22% of those rape offenses were committed by offenders age 10–19.

I can't find the statistic, but like 1/4 of the people forced to register on the Megan's law list were put on it before 18, they actually put minors on the list for cp possession or playing doctor.

America is fucking retarded.


You were the only one smart enough to catch on


Literally what traumatizes young maidens and rape victims is how the West treats it (when there's consent and no violence in the case of girl love). They treat it as something wrong, worse than murder, and the girl doesn't understand it because often she enjoyed it and had romantic attachment to the gentleman. As for rape, it's how they make a big deal out of it and can't stop talking about le heckin abuse and their vaginas, develop a retarded fantasy with what they call "MY rapist", submit them to """therapy""", inducing them to think of themselves as victims, that something horrible happened to them and all that horseshit. I don't know how sexual violence is the only thing where uhmmmm akshually talking about it the whole fucking time and making it part of your identity actually helps more than just ignoring it and keep living your life as you would if you were assaulted and beaten the shit out of


And most times it's non-consensual and violent it's the parents' fault, almost always the mother who's a single whore that lets stranger men in their home and even when aware of any sexual abuse, simply ignores it. At this point it doesn't matter how you treat what happened because there's no way anyone would turn normal with parents like that.

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