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So TLDR you enabled an ext4 feature that did not yet exist in the kernel shipped with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Idk what you want me to say, fuck Linux?
>if i just used ntfs nothing like that would ever happen
NTFS only got an upstream kernel driver a few years ago. Before that it was userspace based FUSE driver.
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I've really been thinking about going back to Gentoo.
I want a 300 package system where I disable USE flags for everything (this disables stuff at compile time, thus not needing to install as dependency)
Thanks for asking
>>621324i did not enable anything, i just created an ext4 partition in gparted without changing any of the settings
my ntfs comment was that i could format a drive as ntfs and it would be read writable on win98
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you can easily compile malware using mingw-w64 to bypass traditional antivirus on windows
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>>621332holy shit this dude is an haxxor
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huh? dating advice? that's easy start with a compliment then most abruptly move on to operating systems and distributions
make sure you wear the rubber ;)
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>>621357Windows is only free if your privacy and freedom is worthless
Wait, it's not free, LOL
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it just werks though
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