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>>621282to properly court a woman he needs to watch
all classic pieces of cinematography together with her eventually culminating with Drive starring Ryan Gosling
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I'm finally free
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>>621337You were only banned from /jp/, why didn't you appeal on /om/ or /2d/?
File: 1715456816253.jpg (Spoiler Image, 165.27 KB, 1249x1000, tifa.jpg)

Should have made a thread or said something else, be louder and more assertive, like this Tifa.
File: 1715457629888.jpg (579.37 KB, 3000x4000, 1715327211496.jpg)

You take that back
>>621343That's doesn't change your IP address
my IP address has been the same for years, oatmin can see all my countless posts about my shitty existence life even the ones pre spam purge that he probably has backed up somewhere