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Used to live inside of mom
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>>560981thats mean im still here
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playing with mom
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breakfast at 7.30am was toast made with oat bread buttered one with peanut butter the other with vegemite
drink was black ceylon tea loose leaf with milk also had 4 plain biscuits (cookies)
at around 1.30pm i had a caramel muffin bar
afternoon around 4.15pm i had the same tea again with four plain biscuits and a bread roll and butter warmed in the mircrowave
around 4.45pm i had a chocolate and apricot muesli bar and the rest of my tea which i had forgotten about and it had cooled down
moms cooking for the evening meal was fried fish fillets with cheap oven chips and some coalslaw that had capsicum and spring onion and celery in it among other things i find it to be rather unpalatable but eat it anyways
the oven chips are sad soggy vile shit the fish was ok but slightly burned overall i didnt enjoy eating the meal and would have preferred some grilled cheese