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I'm not? It's not my fault I was born where I was, when I was.
Aside from sex/women/children I am content. What else really is there to do in the modern world that I'm missing? Nothing really.
The time goes faster than I'd like, I'll be old and dead before I know it.
If I was born in medieval Europe I'd be a knight, and get married at 15, and maybe I would've died at 20, but what am I really doing on Earth still anyway.
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unironically never too late, started late as hell and doing well
Just like go get a job or something.
The more important thing to change is your surroundings.
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yeah never made any real attempt to socialise with girls
but in my defense it was NOT such a simple thing to do for various reasons
now 35 and barely even had a proper conversation with a woman let alone anything else
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men age better go for it king
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dress like shit dont even own a pair of jeans just some grubby grey sweats that show off my enormous penis that women no doubt take NOTice of
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honestly, socially isolating myself for years kinda gave me what i needed to get over my weird child abuse and poor socialization issues…
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this attractive anime girl must be having such a hard life
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it isnt my fault